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Posts Tagged with "AXO"

In an effort to keep institutional memory alive, Bwog wants to teach you about major issues and topics at Columbia.  If there is something you would like to know more about, look it up on wikicu or email  Today, we attempt to explain why you’re not at a frat fraternity party like all your […]

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Bwog and The Blue & White extend a hearty CONGRATULATIONS to AXO, Lambda, and Q House on their new digs at 536, 542, and 546 114th Street, respectively.  We’re excited to see how they make use of them for themselves and the community at large.  For now, you can see this preview (our Postcard from Morningside!) from […]

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Here are the winners of the brownstones formerly known as AEPi, Pike, and PsiU: Alpha Chi Omega Lambda Phi Epsilon Q House While this is great news for these three organizations—having been without a house for so long—it comes as a blow to AEPi and Pike as they were trying to earn their houses back.  Dean […]

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Columbia’s PanHellenic Association—AXO, DG, SDT, and Theta—have decided which sororities will be joining Columbia over the next two years, according to Spec. And the winners are: Alpha Omicron Pi and Gamma Phi Beta! Specifically, AOPi AOII will be starting a chapter next semester and Gamma Phi Beta (whose cutesy abbreviation/nickname was not known at press […]

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Late last night, we a tip of the anonymous sort that PanHell (Columbia’s PanHellenic Council, the umbrella group for the AXO, DG, SDT, and Theta sororities) will be choosing between four sororities that want to establish chapters at Columbia: Kappa Kappa Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Omicron Pi, and Zeta Tau Alpha. Two of these […]

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And so the plot thickens. It seems our maiden brownstone had not two but four suitors: Delta Sig, AXO, Lambda Phi Epsilon, and Fiji.  Each of the four had applied to occupy the space, a process which included explaining what they intend to do with the house, how their occupation within said house would improve […]

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Come summer, 113th street residents are going to have a new neighbor: Delta Sigma Phi. The fraternity was recently awarded an open brownstone, a step up from their current EC digs where space was reportedly tight. “Ultimately, we believed our chapter needed a centralized place to meet if our activities were to remain unhindered, and […]

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