– Image by Joe Schumacher Want to sightsee, but worried about finishing that paper on time? Why not visit an alley? Well, more specifically, the alley where Barack Obama spent his first night in New York, as he mentioned in Dreams from My Father. Arriving at his new apartment only to find no one […]
Despite the cold, Columbians have turned out in force for the inauguration viewing on Low Plaza. If you were hoping to see Obama’s speech outside, prepare to stand at the back. Whether you’re in DC, around New York, or on campus, send in your Inauguration Day photos to bwgossip@columbia.edu. For those of you staying in […]
Two pieces of (somewhat) Obama-related media: first, one of his first college roommates writes about their time together in the fall of 1981. Phil Boerner ’84, who transferred with Obama from Occidental, remembers Obama that, “as a host and roommate, he sometimes did the shopping and cooked the chicken curry.” Oh, and Obama may have […]
Better late than never: one week before his inauguration, an article Barack Obama wrote for the now-defunct campus magazine The Sundial has finally surfaced in full on Politico. The article had first been excerpted in the class notes section of Columbia College’s alumni magazine’s November/December issue. Written in the spring of 1983, just months before […]
A quick roundup of some of headlines that appeared in our inbox in the past few days: For all those who have resolved to go to get fit in the new year, there may be no better example of the benefits than Barack Obama – he began his now-famous commitment to fitness as a senior […]
Three pieces of Columbia-related real-world news: first, some dude named Barack Obama has been chosen as TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year. The most interesting part of the feature are “previously unpublished photos” of a very cool lookin’ Obama, taken while he was at Occidental, a year before arriving at Columbia. One of the photos […]
Let’s be honest, Columbia: most of you voted for Barack Obama, and many of you would like to see the swearing in of Columbia’s first graduate to reach the Oval Office. Sadly, though, the first day of classes falls on the same day (January 20) as the inauguration, leaving you to wonder “why not give […]
New Public School curriculum will save lives! New Squash Center will save youth! New Reading Day will “increase productivity”. New Administration, same politics. New Coach, nothing else changes…
Bwog has just received word that President-elect Barack Obama has tapped a former Columbian Eric Holder, CC ’73 and J.D. ’76, to fill the shoes of yet another illustrious Columbia alum Michael Mukasey, CC ’63, as the next Attorney General of the United States. You might remember Holder for his brief stint as acting Attorney […]
You mean Obama didn’t single-handedly end racism and injustice in America? Michelle…she’s elegant, stylish, and intelligent! 007007007007007007007007 More puppies: the change we need! “But, he’s James Franco. It’s just not a big deal.” Just leave it on the runway, honey.
Are you kept up at night by financial fears? Yes…but PrezBo is always there for me with his consoling words. Are you proud to be an American now with an Obama Presidency? Yes…but Obama’s Presidency could be as disastrous as the Trojan War was for the Greeks! Wait, who won that war? Better check Sparknotes… […]
“It was cooler than Ahmadinejad speaking at our school.” That Debora Spar. Did we mention she doesn’t knit? Big Goverment Spectator probably wants to raise your taxes too Obamania grumble grumble movement building tsk tsk Now you can talk like you ran the NYC marathon too!
In the wake of yesterday’s historic election, your President has reached out to CU alums. Ha, oh no, not that President. PrezBo has just emailed the alumni listserv in celebration of last night’s victory. “All of us who have graduated from Columbia have special reason for excitement,” he wrote. Undergrads, of course, have received no […]
This morning, in the wake of Obama’s historic victory, the BBC rounded up some its go-to American history experts — a troupe that included Columbia’s Simon Schama and Harvard’s Niall Ferguson (also an early McCain adviser) — to discuss the implications of the race and the results. The 9-minute discussion concluded that while Obama will […]
Before anything happened, Lauren Salz advised the next president to break his promises. Obama won. Yes, he did. Just in time to find Washington decimated. We watched it in Harlem, Times Square, Virginia and the Broadway Sky Lounge. Now what? Apply for grad school!
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025