Welcome back to the Best of series in which Bwog analyzes the best in a category of chosen food product! There are few things that are as much fun and as thirst-quenching as a margarita. And after a weekend of being nice to your parents or studying for midterms, there are few things as much […]
Bwog thrives on conflict, and this week didn’t disappoint. – Hockeygate unfolds, while the world watches, rolls eyes – Tigers > Lions. But sports can still be fun! – The Dems don’t like FOX, Middle Easterners don’t like each other, and Vermont doesn’t like America – College freshmen duke it out, while SEAS freshmen…oh wait, […]
The sun is still shining, clubs are still planning, and professors can’t tell yet if you’re not doing the reading. Store up these days, my children, and revel in the trivial. – Students march for brassieres, scientific denial, and randomness – Librarians are amazing! Especially if you meet in a cozy spot outside Butler, with […]
Today, Bwog returns to its habit of reprising the week’s best content, in case you missed it, or just needed to be reminded. Settling in: dorm personas, the room you wish you had Ch-ch-ch-changes: welcoming the (temporarily blinded) Eye, giving the B-School the business (but not our business), fighting the good fight (and winning!) Culled […]
Bwog has been engaging in some self reflection of late. It’s been an amazing semester, with some highlights you definitely saw, and others you may have missed. Huge shout outs to all our sharp-eyed tipsters, and the delinquents who don’t have anything better to do than contribute to absurdly long comment strings. You make us […]
It’s Friday and the Bwog really needs a cold one. Or ten. We’ll start with Crackergate 2006. Tuesday a Bwog photographer posts the picture of “a hate care package” seen round the world. Thursday the same photographer tries to get in touch with Public Safety through the Bwog, eventually figuring out that’s what phones are […]
It is only in the heat of the housing lottery that Columbians can feel like New Yorkers. Square footage dominates conversation. Friendships end–six friends can’t fit in a suite for five. Welcome to the city, toots. Deal with it. Much of the strategizing has already gone down, but today group lottery numbers are finally posted. […]
-Now that you’ve declared your major, regret your decision for the next two years. Or, you could take the Yatrakis-approved path and concentrate. -History does not teach lessons, says Brown professor Gordon Wood. Unless of course, they’re Biblical lessons, and the history is Biblical history. -Lost on Lerner 5, we found a piece of paper, […]
-When Columbians aren’t busy drinking fermented horse milk from Kyrgystan, they’re assassinating people—people like Tao Tan. -The stars aligned, and Larry Summers got axed. He’ll no doubt rap to cope. Those Harvard faculty sure were mean to him. But according to David Horowitz, Columbia’s professors are the naughtiest around. Basically, they’re terrorists and/or communists. -You […]
–Jeffrey Sachs and Gawker partied hard with Bwoggers. Grandpa Munster couldn’t make it. Well, even without his help, we may get some action, and from a sweet-smelling gentile, no less! -Do you remember that huge fockin’ blizzard? We forgot until we saw a giant phallus in the snow. Seriously. God knows how this traumatized impressionable, […]
– Orientalism is declared hot while EALAC grad students get their freak on in the library. – Uris Dining Hall’s new Salad Bureaucracy induces shortage of tiny yellow no. 2 pencils. Related: John Jay workers too sober to fold up fajitas. – Barnard unveils its new student center to which architecture majors and Gothamists cry, […]
In the information age, Rome can be built in a day. Here are some highlights from our first week of existence: – Bored at Butler: enemy, or groupie? – The Definitive Guide to Butler Sex. Seriously. – Middle School Girls Experimenting. But not with each other. – Rent Fellini! For free! Or, get almost-free almost-porn! […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025