Think your summer plans are exciting? Well porn legend turned Marine corporal turned conservative activist Matt Sanchez has you beat. Eschewing the safety of comparatively calmer destinations (Eastern Chad, for instance?), Sanchez has traveled to a certain far-away quagmire of death squads, roadside bombs and internecine warfare–namely Iraq. Not satisfied with American media coverage of the […]
In case you don’t regularly frequent the world of tech-geekery, pay a visit: there’s some crazy shit going down in freedom-of-informationland. Bwog freelancer Kate Redburn summarizes. It seems Columbia students aren’t the only ones having trouble with copyright law. Yesterday, there was an internet revolution on, the popular website-rating site, over the “digging” of […]
This year has so far seen the launch of several Columbia student blogs, and the death of almost as many: Spectator‘s opinion blog The Steps and its sports blog Pressbox are both defunct, and the Dems’ Lion and the Donkey hasn’t published since April 5. Fortunately, the Columns is still going strong, and WikiCU adds […]
With our recent posts on Matthew Fox’s impending Class Day speech ballooning to nearly 500 comments, collectively, a protest Facebook group attracting 150 members so far, and even a failed attempt to hawk “Matthew Fox Does Not Speak for Me” buttons (they’ve been removed…we assume ABC’s copyright lawyers struck quickly), this was a story the […]
We like blogs. Apparently, other people like them too. In its incessant web surfing, Bwog came across a couple new kids on the block: Editor Josh – Ever wanted to know what Spec news editors think about constantly, unceasingly, all day every day? One of them has started a blog to give a little more […]
Columbia student (and Spec style editor) Xiyin Tang ’09 was featured in New York magazine’s feature “Say Everything,” discussing her use of LiveJournal and, of course, Facebook. “Xiyin clicks to her Facebook profile, which features 88 photos… ‘To me, or to a lot of people, it’s like, why go to a party if you’re not going […]
You’re likely wearing sweatpants and a shirt from the book store right now, but no matter! The Eye wants to bring the glamour and flash of Fashion Week to your slobbish form, and they’ve launched a special website (of which they are super proud) to do so. And, in the category of another thing “a lot of people (but probably […]
It wasn’t exactly a nailbiter, but the final poll results are in: Bwog got stomped in US News’ poll for “Best Alternative Media Outlet,” coming in second to the Blogspot sensation Wesleying. Our pride, it’s hurting a little bit. In their winner’s circle interview, Wesleying seemed a little disgruntled about how we initially pitched the […]
You’re Going Places, Kid Kudos to Davide Barillari, the creator of The Gates, the borderline salacious student-produced soap opera that we all love to hate (or hate to love). His opus is a finalist in ABC’s SoapU contest, the winner of which gets $20,000 to make a real soap opera. Make sure to vote on the website, too- as of […]
The Barnard Bulletin (Barnard’s weekly magazine on, among other topics, female empowerment) is now up as a blog. And it’s pink. Really really pink. According to its mission statement, the magazine “seeks to inform and entertain readers by featuring in depth articles that explore important campus issues;” you be the judge. Point of interest: the […]
Vowing to “protect the world at large from horrible sex advice” and claiming that Spec sex columnist Miriam Datskovsky “is a violation of all of our human rights,” anonymous tipster “Captain Subtext” has informed Bwog of the Fire Miriam Datskovsky blog. The site primarily contains frighteningly thorough critiques of many of Miriam’s columns and of those who […]
If you read the recent Spec article, you know that professors across the blogosphere are now at risk. What they write online could result in a loss of promotions, denied tenure, or trolls eating their firstborn. Bwog decided to send Dan D’Addario to look at a few faculty blogs. What did we learn? A great […]
The Columbia home page reports that the mustachioed UN-bashing UN representative John Bolton spoke at SIPA today, to a packed audience of doubtlessly dubious grad students. Besides summarizing the standard Bolton bullet points, the release directs us to the official SIPA blog, which Bwog liked until it noticed the student blogroll: one that’s all in […]
New York Magazine has been collecting a little senior wisdom of its own, polling 100 of this year’s grads on issues ranging from the great books to Hillary’s judgment of our generation. Bwog is skeptical of some of the responses: 28% of you expect to make over a quarter million a year in a decade? […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025