Ever wondered during which hours you could get CAVA’d? Look no further!
While this school might be made up completely of alcoholics, they’re mostly of a certain kind — a bar-hopping, EC-hopping, nocturnal kind. As such, Bwog has compiled some advice for you as you plunge into the unknown — a pregame-in-the-morning-and-continue-to-drink-into-oblivion-while-listening-to-artists-you-don’t-really-know type of unknown. Tonight: Don’t go out. You’re going to want to feel rested tomorrow […]
A CAVA’d Bwogger guides you down the deep, dark path into the epicenter of Columbia’s hottest spot, St. Luke’s, over the course of *very* roughly 12 hours. Read on if you dare. Nearing the end of the fall semester, I found myself in Riverside Park late at night. I was lost. The forest was dark, scary, and anxiety producing and even harder to […]
When you’re at a school as competitive as Columbia, it is important to engage in some debauchery to take your mind off CC readings, questionable GroupMe’s and the President-Elect. However, how much is each night of blowing off steam costing you? Bwog Senior Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers investigates a few common alternatives. Option 1: The […]
In the spirit of Yom Kippur, the 25-hour fast in honor of atonement, Bwog wants to give every Columbia student a chance to fess up their transgressions and mend their ways. Let’s be honest, God’s voicemail is full, and unless you want a pile of coal in your stocking stuffer again, time to change. Since Yom Kippur is […]
We received a tip that an RA in John Jay was CAVA’d by their students this past week. They have since been fired. Another source tells us that the RA was found lying unconscious in a bathroom stall. The source had to crawl under the door to help said person out of the stall because the stall […]
“In the midst of winter midterms, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer freshman.” – Albert Camus, The Stranger October is here. You’re butt hurt and overwhelmed by your twenty papers, five exams, and two inexplicable “projects,” and the only way to really deal is to get sloppier than your NSOP self. Hey, we […]
To those who are already on campus and moved in, happy first night of college! We promise we’ll be more fun tomorrow night, but for now we wanted to extend some seriousness. We hope the night is everything you’ve been dreaming of and that you have a really great time with some Late Night Activities. […]
Columbia EMS is looking for new recruits so Bwog got a first-hand account of what it takes to be a Columbia hero. Izzy Cerullo, CC’13, General Rep of CU-EMS, joined in her sophomore year after being certified as an EMT in high school. Bwog: What is the most common situation you have to take care of? […]
During the tumultuous 1968 riots, a few dedicated Columbians organized a ragtag crew of untrained medical volunteers. When an angry suspended student shot the dean of Columbia College four years later, the small team mobilized and rushed him to St. Luke’s Hospital. The dean recovered, and the students became campus legends. CAVA was born. To […]
In the last 48 hours, the US has received a specific, credible, but unconfirmed threat of a terror attack this Sunday, on the 9/11 anniversary. Moreover, a survey by the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia revealed that Americans have a false sense of security, and that in the event of a disaster, more […]
The administration will relocate CAVA to the basement of Nussbaum over the summer. CAVA’s move to Nussbaum surprised many, especially after undergraduate student councils had issued a joint statement supporting CAVA’s bid for space in Broadway. Farther away from campus than Broadway, the larger space in Nussbaum had never been discussed as a possible location for […]
Here is a very long letter signed by leaders of all the student councils about CU-EMS/CAVA’s request to move their HQ from Carman to 103 Broadway. The councils have decided to support CU-EMS’ move to 103 Broadway, but not 103 and 102 Broadway, as CU-EMS had originally requested. The councils hope the CU-EMS will be […]
Sean Zimmerman reports from last night’s Engineering Student Council meeting. At the ESC meeting last night, CAVA’s push for new office space was the order of the day. ESC heard CAVA’s proposal for new space in Broadway Hall, and voted in favor of giving CAVA both Broadway 102 and Broadway 103. CAVA said after the […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025