Catch up on the latest gossip from CCSC as they discuss campus resources, appointment processes and Center for Career Education developments.
After another summer, heading into another semester, many of us have come to a certain stark realization: not only will college not last forever, but also, when we leave this bubble above 114th, we will need to figure out what our next stage will entail. Join Senior Staff Writer Gabrielle Kloppers as she explores one […]
We are pleased to bring you another piece from The Blue and White’s December issue. You can, of course, pick up a copy on a newsstand nearby–do it for nostalgia’s sake! Try something new and navigate the sidewalk while reading a literary magazine instead of your latest text. Occupied on Wall Street by Michelle Cheripka When […]
Bwog’s career specialist, Zachary Hendrickson, thinks about the future and asks himself why he didn’t just save money and go to state school. As Bwog looks out at a job market that looks at best like a Surrealist nightmare painted by the great Salvador Dali and at worst like an exact replica of Dante’s Inferno […]
No matter what your experience has been with CCE, we’re sure that at least once in your illustrious career here, you’ve complained about it. Shudipto Rahman, SEAS’13, found Columbia’s Center for Career Education much less than helpful. When they sent him a follow-up email this summer, asking to fill out a Graduating Student Survey, Shu […]
Tonight is the moment you’ve all been waiting for–Media Networking Night! Hosted by CCE with support from us and Spec, the event will be held in the Low Library Rotunda, so just follow the line of anxious peers and alums straight up the steps. MNN officially begins at 7 pm, but we suggest you get […]
It’s registration day all around, dear readers! Bwog is proud to announce that we are supporting CCE with their annual Media Networking Night, along with Spec. This fantastic event puts you in contact with over 300 professionals in various subsections of media (broadcast journalism, entertainment, new media, PR/marketing/advertising, print journalism, social media, and the visual […]
Ever wonder what goes on in the weekly mysterious CCSC meetings? Wonder no more, because we sent Maren Killackey on a magical mission to find out for you. Here’s a report: Because it’s not adult life if your parents still pay for your Blackberry… Dean of CCE Kavita Sharma along with Niamh O’Brien, CCE Undergraduate […]
The oft-deleted weekly CCE email from Niamh (pronounced “Neev”; it’s Irish) O’Brien contained a special surprise today—a shout-out to the 118th Varsity Show, in which she was sharply parodied by Rebekah Lowin, CC ’14, as a scheming villain who changed the Core into a series of classes on unethical businesses for future I-bankers and consultants. […]
If you’re still looking for a way to make yourself useful this summer, check out LionShare for hands-on opportunities clearly relating to your academic pursuits that totally won’t require extra explanation in future interviews:
Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC meeting. The majority of the meeting was spent discussing the new election bylaws of the ESC constitution. As reported last year, the ESC will begin holding public e-board elections this year. Under the changes, the members of the senior class council will choose one of its members to […]
Bwog hates to break it to you: it’s job-search time. Continuing our series of sitting down and writing about it, an anonymous posterior with perfect interview posture shares what it’s like to be in the hot seat. What has five minutes to memorize a stock pitch, two stiffly crossed legs, and one weirdly plush, Columbia-crested […]
Yes CCE, we know that it’s hard to get jobs in today’s uneasy job market, where there is hardly any work. But that still doesn’t mean that you have to hardcore beat us over the head with posters of pirate ships like it’s too hard for us to find a job sans mnemonic device or abused pun. We […]
Bwog just received word that there is (good!) free food at CCE right this minute, so go swoop in like vultures! Email below: Due to a canceled event tonight in Low, there is now a ton of food available for the taking at CCE. Stop on by East Campus for some delicious food! Liz King Assistant […]
For all you forward-looking seniors- the Center for Career Education is extending an invitation to “launch the academic year and your job search” at their first career fair of the semester. It runs until 12 today in Low Library. (So Days on Campus isn’t the only time you’re allowed up there after all…) According to […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025