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Posts Tagged with "ch-ch-ch-changes"

Are you enjoying your summer job? A Columbia student is working as mermaid-stripper called Naiad at an undercover strip club in New York. (NYT) A U.S. Army Captain stationed in Afghanistan made a surprise appearance at his daughter’s class day. Make sure you grab a Kleenex before you watch. (NY Daily News) Morton B. Friedman, […]

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The University Senate had its final plenary today at 1:15. Senate Savvy Maud Rozee was there to get the news. And the snacks. PrezBo was running late because he had to attend a World Leader’s Forum event, so Executive committee chair Sharyn O’Halloran gave some opening remarks summarizing the events of the recent Town Hall […]

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The Student Affairs Committee of the University Senate just announced its two new co-chairs for the 2014-2015 academic year—a law student (and CC alum) and a B-School student. Matthew Chou, CC ’14, and Akshay Shah, SEAS ’14, have served for the past year as co-chairs. You can read the press release and the platform they […]

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Things happen at GSSC. We sent the eminent Joseph Milholland to venture forth and discover truth. This week’s General Studies Student Council meeting involved exciting discussions on budgets and by-laws. The council passed to requests for funding for GS senior events. The first was the approval of $245 for a senior pub on March 6. […]

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Fill in the blank: The last time I got locked out was [last term, last month, last week, yesterday, I’m locked out right now]. No fear: Columbia’s latest student attempt to get the administration to care about lowly undergrads petition is on lockout policy. In case you didn’t know, next semester, there’s a good chance […]

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The Columbia College Student Council is hosting a public forum on changes to CCSC election practices tomorrow, Friday, February 28 from 3:15pm to 4:00pm in the Satow Room of Lerner Hall. There are rumors of free cookies and beverages if you come hang out with them. They intend to discuss Alumni Affairs Representative Daniel Liss’s resolution to allow […]

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Columbia releases all announcements on Friday mornings, including one from a few minutes ago that states that effective immediately, CC and SEAS (and a similar email was also sent out to GS students)  “will no longer provide registration credit (R credit) on academic transcripts to note that a student has participated in an internship.” Columbia […]

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At tonight’s CCSC meeting, Daphne Chen announced that 2016 representative and Campus Life Committee member Ben Kornick resigned for “personal reasons.” In this letter to the council’s board, leaked on our anonymous tip form, he disagrees with the current state of the Campus Life Committee (one of four committees) and notes how he hopes to […]

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Update, 12:05 pm: CCSC President Daphne Chen has reached out to us to note that CCSC member Kareem Carryl is responsible for getting the changes made, in order to “help students feel like administrators do care at least a little about students’ lives and achievements.” Thanks, Kareem! It has come to Bwog’s intensely wanted attention that Dean’s […]

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Barnard’s COO (Chief Operating Officer), Greg Brown, is heading down to Swarthmore after eight years serving on the west side of Broadway. As the COO and formerly as the VP for Finance and Planning, he sponsored “Taking Care of Barnard” and in 2012 was named Administrator of the Year by SGA. The times, they are […]

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So the storefronts of Morningside Heights have been doing quite a bit of changing recently. What with Cardomat folding in exchange for new health-food restaurant Dig Inn Citibank catching fire (real fire, not Columbia dorm fire drill fire) Vareli giving up its Domain name (ha, get it?) Crumbs being on its way out we don’t […]

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Ferris has made some upgrades over break and they are literally life-changing. No, not the staircase. They’ve given us some swanky new tables and room to breathe by adding new bar areas. So now, on your way to get more triangle hash browns, you’ll only crash into four people and knock over two bags. The downside? If you […]

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Dig Inn Seasonal Market is ready to call Morningside Heights its (seventh) home. A tipster sent us the photo below, satiating our curiosity about what would move into Cardomat’s old spot, vacant for about a year. The chain describes itself as a healthy fast food option, and with most salads around $8 and sandwiches around […]

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At this Monday’s SGA meeting, we heard four more plans for how to spend the $32,000 endowment. Lauren “that one girl who always goes to the SGA meetings” Beltrone listened in eagerly. She likes this kind of stuff. Since you’re all wondering, the answer is yes, President Maddy Popkin did address the controversial Barnard SGA […]

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