SPEARS: The Gospel According to Britney, Pat Blute’s musical which professed to pair The Greatest Story Ever Told with The Greatest Music Ever Written, ran for the last time at 8 pm last night, in Barnard’s Glicker-Milstein Theatre. Conor Skelding went. On the jaded Columbia campus, SPEARS’s premise – using the music of Britney Spears to […]
Last night curious students packed into Lerner Cinema to see Princeton professor and celebrity Cornel West talk on “how we can engage in activism that is characterized by faith, perseverance, courage and hope” in Haiti. Bwog’s Semi-Secretly Christian Organizations correspondent Derek Huang reports that students got more consideration of spirituality than of Port-au-Prince. In a […]
Tipsters have been asking Bwog why a giant wooden cross is in front of Alma this afternoon. No, she hasn’t converted—yet—but the display is instead part of a Good Friday observance by student members of the Remnant Christian Fellowship. They’ll be there until 3 p.m. today.
If you’re coming out of the 116th Street subway stop, be prepared to be serenaded and accosted by some Bible studiers singing melodiously, wielding an array of folk instruments and distributing colorful fliers with butterflies on them. Pop LitHum quiz: They quote from the one non-synoptic Gospel, which one is it?
Armin Rosen reports on the big semi-annual, semi-mandatory sophomore class lecture. The title of this post is actually a wee bit inaccurate. This wasn’t just the biggest walkout of the year–it was also the biggest walkout of last year, and was probably bigger than any walkouts that were held the year before that one, too. […]
In which Bwog correspondent Josh Mathew reports on last night’s lecture about a book and all the hubbub it’s caused. The Underground Lecture Series: What Archaeology Tells Us About Ancient Israel Alan Segal, PhD, Professor of Religion and Ingeborg Rennert Professor of Jewish Studies, Barnard College What does Biblical archaeology tell us about the First […]
Just when you thought the dialogue around Columbia’s sexual atmosphere couldn’t get any worse…Ann Coulter got involved. Today on FOX News, Bwog’s favorite channel, she opined (click for video!) on the Daily News “report” “exposing” our “creepy” carnal persuits. Money quotes: “I really think you should get a picture of some of these [S&M] clubs and a […]
Every second Tuesday of the month, members of a Christian fellowship on campus sit quietly on the Lerner ramps, reading and smiling when people walk by. They don’t want to convert you, or take your money, or make you sign anything–just put in a good word for you in heaven. On Thursdays, they read the […]
After the reform Kol Nidre service at Hillel, everyone wishing each other a good year: (Jewish) Law Student 1: Rosenblum? Yale ’02? Seligman? We graduated in the same class! (Jewish) Law Student 2: Yeah, yeah, you’re in my litigation class now right? (Jewish) Bystander (muttering): Bunch of Jews. Happy atoning! Heard outside […]
‘Primordial Ooze’ Blessed by Church, and Reindeer; Bwog, However, Wants to Know Where Bwog Can Buy Its Very Own Screeching Piglet University Administrators, Luminaries, Quip, Joke, Tease Their Way into Trustee Pocketbooks “It’s Easy to Blame That Man-Slut For Fucking You Over” Columbia Lends Hand to Estonia, Spec Opinion Hopes Estonia Will Lend Hand Back. […]
Columbia is not fertile ground for religiosity. And Bwog’s pretty savvy about the conventional evangelical techniques, like free copies of the New Testament and the sweet women who accost us with invitations to Bible study on our way across College Walk. What got us was the man at the Amsterdam gates handing out boxes of […]
There’s something different about Columbia’s homepage, and it’s not wittier news headlines. A few days ago, eagle-eyed website watcher Chris Szabla noticed that the two spades on Columbia’s crown logo have morphed back into crosses, prompting our tipster to wonder whether the Campus Crusade for Christ had paid off or if there are more divine […]
It’s not unusual to be accosted several times on the way from Lerner up to the steps by earnest Bible studyers asking whether one is a Columbia student and/or Christian. Bwog usually thanks them politely and walks on, reminding itself to dodge the next time one homes in like a heat-guided missile. But it couldn’t […]
For those too lazy and apathetic and jaded by the godlessness of Columbia to go to church, the International Christian Fellowship brought the gospel to Morningside’s most degenerate pit of iniquity–the Low Steps. “In an atmosphere like this academy, we all want to believe that, given the right evidence,” one fellowshipper said, “we’re going to […]
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