The world has been a mess and a half lately and we at Bwog are heartbroken over the amount of pain in the universe. That being said, we’re pretty sure someone sent some guardian angels to Morningside Heights to look out for us CU kids… the inexplicable Duane Reade bears. Now, if it was almost […]
Earlier this week, we were tipped a document stating that an alleged Russian spy was recruiting at a “major” NYC university…perhaps Columbia? Inspired by this McSweeney’s column, our top conspiracy theorist describes the double life of a Columbia student turned secret agent. You begin preparing for your life in the shadows in the second week […]
Tunnel Explorer and Potions Master Britt Fossum thought she had what it took to be the heir of Slytherin. She quickly realized her mistake. Every Columbia student knows the legend of the owl nestled among Alma Mater’s robes, who will bless the first student in each year to find it with the title Valedictorian. But […]
So it’s true that we’ve recently been on a conspiracy theory kick (as one commenter kindly pointed out). Maybe we like the thrill, or maybe we just want to believe in something. Either way, twin Eric Cohn is here with another totally serious, non-satirical conspiracy theory: this time about Columbia’s “twin quota.” In 1954, the Columbia Spectator […]
Recently, a conservative blog called The Blaze floated the rumor that Obama didn’t actually go to Columbia. So, we did some sleuthing of our own (i.e., we checked his senior yearbook) to see if there’s any evidence that Obama really was on campus at some point. Okay, so we didn’t actually find any. He’s not […]
Now that Breaking Bad is over, Bwog has to wonder what Hartley Hospitality Desk workers do whilst ignoring our maintenance requests to: have our locks fixed, get our broken toilets replaced (looking at you, Carman), and help us raise/lower/rebuild our beds. Naturally, we knew Blue Cheetah would have the answer, as our trusty source for […]
Hello again, legion of Bwog. It is once again safe for me to cease radio silence and let you in on the truth behind the lies. Blue Cheetah here with another hair-rising, tail-twitching, haunch-trembling discovery. My recent intel about Pupin Plaza may have been shocking, but get ready for a true revelation. This time I […]
Greetings, Bwog readers. Blue Cheetah here. That’s not my real name, of course. It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just too dangerous to be sharing my identity right now. They’re after me. They don’t want me sharing the truth. Who are “they,” you ask? Well, obviously, I can’t tell you. They are listening. […]
After Bwog was alerted to the possibility of some secrets lurking in the murky past of our new Dean of SEAS, Mary Boyce, we sent our Crazed Conspiracy theorist, Maud Rozee, to see what she could uncover. A few days ago, Bwog received a message from a member of MIT’s anti-war commission about our soon-to-be-beloved […]
Embracing the ridiculousness of the birther movement, Obama quips about Hawaiian birth certificates. (NYT) Conspiracies about conspiracy theorists launch conspiracy theories. (MSNBC) Someone was preparing for the apocalypse in a Brooklyn housing project… with an exotic animal zoo? (Gothamist) The government actually is watching you. (Engadget) World conspiracy pyramid via Wikimedia Commons
Aasif Mandvi dives into the dark world of scientific research to expose corruption and profiteering that runs all the way from high school classrooms to the Ivy League, Nobel Prize-winning elite. Watch the shocking video, in which Columbia professor, and Biology Department chair, Martin Chalfie bumbles a weak defense of his misleading and deviant ways. […]
A tipster noticed a custodian removing every poster for The Matching Game from the Hamilton bulletin boards. Naturally we had questions. Why doesn’t PrezBo want us associating him with Lady Gaga? Have you ever seen the two of them in the same place at the same time? Is PrezGa the new Ke$ho? Would they make […]
Several tipsters have noticed Facilities personnel knee-deep in a series of mysterious earthworks on South Field. Bwog is ridden with more questions than it can answer. Could these pipes be water related? Poop-bearing? Electrical or steam conducting? The Core doesn’t teach us to make these distinctions. Update (6:01 pm) : Facilities has informed us that […]
As of right now, they’re still saying, “Hi,” to everyone they see. Keep your ears open, because freshpeople are a feast of audible delights: Mingling on the John Jay green: “I’m pretty sure that every time I’ve had champagne at Christmas it was just sparkling grape juice.” “There’s also prosecco, that’s Italian” Group of youngish […]
A Review Of Upside Pizza
March 11, 2025Columbia Alum And Palestinian Activist Mahmoud Khalil Detained By ICE
March 11, 2025Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025