Bwog really and truly received this email from a curious freshperson. Dear Bwog, I’m new here, CC ’15, and I was wondering whether it is normal that there is a stench in Butler’s 4th floor near the elevators so terrible it is as if the books themselves have died and now reek of rottingbook flesh. […]
Survey your Carman double. Don’t let the stark cinder block and linoleum faze you—soon you too can cover your walls with cool kitsch. But in case you are daunted by all that space, or any other first-time conundrums, Bwog will answer your questions. We’re here to help, so ask away via Dear Bwog, What’s the best way […]
Behold your dorm room. It’s—It’s—It’s—nice?? Don’t be too disappointed. You’ll stain it too and make it your own. (Fun fact: JJ11 has a tainted legacy. One past resident drunkenly shat on the floor.) Anywho, college may be your first time living on your own, so you probably have some questions. We’re here to help. In […]
Dear Bwog is back! But we’re changin’ it up a little this time. First you’ll hear from Bwog’s self-proclaimed ”decent heterosexual male Suzy May.” Then, one of our Bwoggals weighs in. Bwog…we have a split personality! Send in your own trials and tribulations to Dear Bwog, My T.A. just asked me out via e-mail: […]
Dear Bwog is back! But we’re changin’ it up a little this time. First you’ll hear from Bwog’s self-proclaimed “decent heterosexual male Suzy May.” Then, one of our female Bwoggers gives her impassioned response. Bwog…we have a split personality! Dear Bwog, I sometimes think my boyfriend might be gay. He’s an amazing guy and, yes, while do […]
Never fear, Columbians. Dear Bwog has returned once again to help you solve your collegiate quandaries. This week, our favorite “heterosexual male Suzy May” tackles one of the tougher issues of college dating—what to do when the one you “love” is fading you out. Dear Bwog, After what I thought were three successful dates, this guy […]
Hi all, Over the past week, we’ve been flooded with personals submissions and nominations. Love is in the air…or somewhere. Anyways, we’ve really enjoyed playing cupid, but now it’s time to put down the bow and arrow. Personals get kinda boring after a while, and we can’t afford to keep shelling out $10. All is […]
Dear Bwog is back! This time around, the mysteries of weblog wisdom are incarnate in our self-described “decent heterosexual male Suzy May.” He’s fresh out of the awkward breaking-up-with-someone-near-Valentines-Day dilemma, falling for a girlfriend’s roommate, and dealing with everything from a ‘devil’s threesome’ offer to college ACB namedrops. Below, he dispenses words of wisdom on […]
This week brought a doozy of dramatic distractions. Then the sky cried, and Bwog stepped in a puddle of tears. So, we dug up this installment of Dear Bwog from the archives. Dear Bwog, The following is my stream of consciousness while trying to write a paper in 209: Curse you cursor, mocking my mindlessness […]
Dear Bwog, The following is my stream of consciousness while trying to write a paper in 209: Curse you cursor, mocking my mindlessness and blinking before my blank screen! That grad student sitting across from me is revealing a little too much chest hair. When did unbuttoning the top three buttons become acceptable? Now he’s […]
Dear Bwog, Before I came to Columbia, I never realized how awkward elevator rides are. I usually just start fake texting to avoid eye contact, but is that bitchy? ~Awkward McAwkward Dear Awkward McAwkward, Yeah, elevators are mad awkward; you’re confined to a 20-square-foot box. Still, you don’t want to move your lazy ass up […]
Dear Bwog, I don’t mean to sound obnoxious, but people here aren’t as cultured as I expected. No one shares my music taste or gets my quirky brand of humor. It’s not that I’m so sophisticated or anything; there’s just some basic knowledge I assumed people had. I guess I just haven’t met people on […]
Dear Bwog, I’m the Forgetful Jones of names. Help! Love, Elephant Envy Dear Elephant Envy, You’re meeting hundreds of people, so it’s natural to forget some names. One Bwogger recalls a ten minute long conversation with a complete stranger, who slightly resembled someone she had met earlier. Oops. Bwog finds that facial hair can be […]
Dear Bwog, I got locked out of my room after showering. Again. With running mascara rivaling the Corpse Bride, I trudged down to the Hospitality Desk. That’s the fifth time this week. This has got to stop. Frustrated, Tim Burton Extra Dear Tim Burton Extra, We promise the Hospitality folks are unfazed. They’ve probs seen […]
Dear Bwog, It’s fucking hot. ~Sweat Bead Dearest Sweat Bead, Bwog suffers from an acute case of back of the knee sweat. Every step feels sticky. So, we feel your pain. The good news is that NYC cools off by the end of the month. In the meantime, put your refrigerator to good use. Girls, […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025