Some of you may be familiar with the website Texts From Last Night (TFLN), where users submit screenshots of texts they sent during nights out. After looking at some of our embarrassing screenshots, we realized that a lot of our texts could have easily been submissions from the website, despite the fact that they were […]
Well, another year is drawing to a close, and though we may not notice with our finals goggles on, we’re actually kind of sad to be leaving you all for a few months – especially those of you who won’t be returning next fall. So, for old time’s sake, here are a few ways you […]
In honor of Earth week, we thought we’d provide you with some drinks that are easy on the environment…and/or that are just green. (If nothing else, they can double as St. Patrick’s Day drinks, because we all know that’s a day with a shortage of alcohol.) Although it’s kind of hard to say which drinks […]
Ah, spring. It’s a transformative time for Columbia students. While normally we avoid nature like the plague, now we have the overwhelming urge to roll around in the grass and take day trips to Long Island. Instead of the usual tones of dubstep floating across Low steps, we hear people playing The Beach Boys. Everything […]
It may be a whole 24 hours until you can reasonably start pregaming Bacchanal, but considering how early you’re going to have to get up, consider the advance preparation worth it. Drinking With Bwog brings you…ways to drink at 10 am without feeling gross, or at least without throwing up in front of Brooklyn Grinnell. […]
Well, it’s Thursday again, and now that spring is almost-but-not-quite here, we’re almost-but-not-quite ready to leave our dorms for the chilly outdoors. For those of you looking for something classier different than beer pong to pregame your way to warmth, Bwog has a few of our favorite tech-based suggestions. Apparently our generation is “technologically literate,” […]
Whether you’ve been done with midterms for weeks, or still have to take a Frontiers exam tomorrow (sucka), you need a drink that will fulfill the dual requirements of allowing you to a) stay awake in the shwastiest of ways and b) to do it without the fatal flaw of being as clichéd as a vodka […]
It’s almost the end of the third quarter (we know Columbia doesn’t measure the year in quarters, but Bwog does so get over it) and whether you’re nearing the end of your time here or just realizing how close you are to getting ¼ of a college education under your belt, nostalgia abounds. Maybe it’s […]
One fine Thursday evening, Bwog decided to get day drunk. Followed shortly by not-day drunk. And by the time Bwog got back to its dorm at 1 am, behold, JJ’s Place was still open, and lo, it was a good day. In that spirit, Bwog is here to show you how to drink your meal […]
If you haven’t already figured it out from all the new car ads (okay you got us, the last one is actually a Doritos ad), the Superbowl is this Sunday! Whether you’re a die-hard fan (i.e. planning to support one of the two teams playing), or you’ll be watching the Puppy Bowl instead, we know […]
With midterms and scheduling out of the way, let’s raise a toast to the fact that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Even if your professor assigns a paper/problem set/project due next Wednesday, you can still join us. Bwog shows you how it’s done: Pregaming your trip home: Take a shot of whiskey every time […]
As intensely dedicated journalists, Bwog has tried hard to avoid bias and hearsay in the months leading up to the election. Finally though, the tough times of campaigning are over, so we can let our hair down and have a drink or two with the knowledge that our incumbent will continue to cumb for four […]
It’s that time of the year again. For a brief 48 hours, you go to a fantasy college where Butler is a football rival and not a cavernous den of midterm doom and “tailgating” is a thing. That’s right, it’s Homecoming weekend! And what better way to celebrate than with a special edition of DWB […]
Despite always playing second fiddle to Carman’s “fun” dorm reputation, the denizens of John Jay are hip party-cats in their own right, and as such, have created numerous nicknames for the single-ridden dorm. As an homage to this spirit of creativity, and in anticipation of your first official Thursday night out, here are 7 drinks […]
If there’s one thing we’ve learned at Columbia, it’s how to make the most out of the least—as PrezBo himself once never said, “When life gives you lemons, make a weird gin cocktail in an empty lemonade bottle and bring it to South Lawn.” So in the spirit of efficiency and maximizing resources and cutting off […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025