Smoke, heroism and disappointment cloud EC and its environs! Eyewitness report from Bwogger John Klopfer: “Minutes ago, outside of the Center for Career Education on Morningside Drive, a loud whoomph was heard and the smell of gas filled the Columbia University Tutoring and Translating Agency. Alarmed students poured out of its offices as flames shot […]
The answer, as six unlucky CU students will probably soon find out, is perhaps a lot more than $200. One Bwog tipster (and probably dozens of other students with decent lottery numbers) received an email from a group calling themselves “Columbia Students.” The email proposed an Old-Timey Barter in which housing lottery numbers would be […]
While you sun yourselves in far-flung locales, remember, gentle readers, that the 2008 housing lottery waits for no one. In the spirit of steadfastness, we invite you for a brief sojourn back to East Campus. A Brief Guide to East Campus, from someone who lives in Wien Next door to the dilapidated honeycomb that is […]
This is for a very narrow section of the population, namely for those of you bored in class, reading Bwog, and contemplating a shower on your return to your dorm in EC. Tough luck. There will be no running water in EC for an indefinite period of time. The reason? Only the delightfully intriguing “emergency […]
The winds of change (and frigid, seasonal air) are a’blowin’ in Morningside. Beginning with Toast, everyone’s favorite spot for a second or third date. Toast has relocated from its previous location on Broadway between LaSalle and Tiemann (right near 125th) and has taken up residence in Carne’s old spot on Broadway and 105th. With Manhattanville’s […]
Figure out who’s posting the jaws around campus? This pair was spotted above the scaffolding from EC to Revson Plaza, and it’s starting to get unnerving. Friday afternoon edit: We noticed a plastic container in Lerner lobby bearing a poster covered in similarly orthodontic motifs. It also has a sign that asks passersby to donate “literature for prisoners.” […]
In retrospect, how did no one figure out this was going on? EC “excluded” from many seniors’ plans. Repeating a meaningless phrase fourteen times in one article doesn’t make it funny.* From Rajasthan with love. *Unless that phrase is “purple monkey dishwasher.”
It seems as if Columbia has been having a bit of trouble with Fire Safety lately. Yesterday, two unrelated occurrences confirm that maybe we should be worried about the all-consuming wrath-fire after all. From Bwog Tipster Addison Anderson, on yesterday’s EC fire alarm: After the alarm from the smoke scare on the 14th floor stopped […]
Bwog doesn’t have the cash to “pimp your room,” and we certainly don’t want to raid it and then date you. So we bring you our semi-weekly feature, the “Cribs-esque” Room Hopping, continuing with… Gabi, Moe, Celia, Sara (left to right) and Tom (not pictured), some adventurous and artsy juniors and seniors, set out from […]
The cold, barren stairwells of EC aren’t usually the most exciting venue for New York’s artistic avant-garde. Bwog was surprised, then, to find stenciled notes hanging on dueling walls, one between the 6th and 7th and 13th floors of the building and one on the 11th, sporting ironic questionnaires. “Do You Like Me?” one inquires, giving the reader […]
Overheard! in Café 212: Girl 1: It really sucks that Anna Nicole Smith’s kid died. Girl 2: How’d he die? Girl 1: He overdosed on drugs. Passing Boy: If Anna Nicole Smith was my mom, I’d probably do drugs too. [Girls 1, 2 stare as passing boy passes by.] Overheard! outside of Carman: [Mobile phone.] […]
Well, friends, it seems that John Jay is infested with much larger, much blacker, much furrier pests than those of yesteryear—those being the famed bedbugs. Bwog recently received several pictures of pestilence countermeasures deployed throughout John Jay and the cafeteria’s back room. Bwog also speaks to its janitors on occasion. Last time, Bwog asked what […]
Let’s not kid ourselves- we’ve all been rudely awoken by the ungodly shrieking of a fire alarm and we’ve all cursed the name and bodily person of the (usually) faceless, unknown culprits. But, thanks to the personal touch of Columbia Housing and Dining, fire alarm emails have recently included the specific suite numbers of […]
This year’s dorm themes make Bwog want to live in all of the dorms at once! East Campus’ Diverse and Tolerant!: Most Cuddly Continued after the jump!
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025