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Posts Tagged with "broadway dorm"

COVID-19 was detected in the wastewater from Broadway and Wien, and two COVID cases were identified in the Mudd Building.

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Worrying about where you’re gonna live next semester as beautiful dorms are slowly taken from you? Don’t fret, Bwog has got you covered with another Housing Review: Broadway Hall! Location: 556 West 114th Street Nearby dorms: Hogan, Carman, Ruggles, 114th Brownstones Stores and restaurants: Amir’s, M2M, Sweetgreen, Nussbaum and Wu, anything on Broadway pretty much. Cost: Now following the standard […]

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Once again, you can count on Bwog to deliver your annual housing reviews. Here’s the beginning of our series, so you aren’t such a lost puppy when choosing where you’re going to live.  Location: 2900 Broadway (actual entrance on 114th, shared with Hogan) Nearby dorms: Hogan, Ruggles, Carman, not far from McBain and Watt. Broadway […]

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On November 12, Bwog received an anonymous email with the subject line: “Exorcism on Broadway 9.” The email detailed an incident that occurred between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. on October 25th, that involved several students who the sender identified as Christian Koreans — despite our attempts to reach various groups, there’s been no way […]

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RoomHop is back!  It’s one of Bwog’s favorite features, in which we showcase rooms that are awesome, unique, or just plain pretty.  If you know of anyone with a distinct abode, send us a tip at and we’ll send a gnome with a camera. College dorms are notorious for being drab and depressing.  Many, […]

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Spotted in a Broadway laundry room by tipster Jacob Kriegel:   

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This year’s dorm themes make Bwog want to live in all of the dorms at once!   East Campus’ Diverse and Tolerant!: Most Cuddly Continued after the jump!

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Someone Call H-APPY

    In the East Sky lounge of the Broadway dormitory a keen observer will find exposed wires protected by the pen-written text, “Tampering will knock out AC/Heat.” Violations will result in electrocution and a slap on the wrist.

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