Chewie gets his learn on; presumably the discussion today is on moons and space stations: Left photo by Mary Frauenheim
We’re told today’s Frontiers of Science lecture was eye-opening and stimulating. Photo by David Fine
The prolonging of Frontiers, student honor boards, and serving alcohol to freshmen – it’s all in this week’s CCSC report: In typical Yang-era fashion, the meeting opened with a series of brief announcements. VP for Finance Nuriel Moghavem told the council that student groups wishing to use the Black Box Theater have to put various […]
Welcome to Bwog’s latest feature, “In Defense Of…” Here, a writer defends something that most students consider useless, inferior, or downright loathsome. In doing so, Bwog hopes to bring you a new perspective, and give the subject the appreciation it deserves…or not. In our second offering, J. Bryan Lowder offers some thoughts on a much-discussed […]
For those searching for a (very) warm weather weekend activity, tipster Emma Jacobs suggests heading to Fulton Ferry Landing to check out the enormous Telectroscope. The artist/inventor/mad scientist behind the creation is Paul St. George, who explains that original blueprints for the device purport to allow New Yorkers and Londoners to wave to one another […]
Tipster Michael Wymbs alerted us to last night’s episode of the Colbert Report, on which Physicas Professor Brian Greene was a guest. Greene was promoting the World Science Festival (of which he is host), which will take place this weekend in all over the city. As part of the festival, Greene will be a panelist […]
Bwog likes to report the occasional celestial phenomenon, so Stephanie Quan sends along this tip: “Perseid Meteor Shower TONIGHT Go outside tonight after midnight. If there isn’t too much air pollution or cloud cover, there will be a spectacular meteor shower in the Northeast (strongest in the pre-dawn hours). If you’re out in open, dark country, you might […]
The 2006-07 school year has contained multitudes. In fact, it may just be the most eventful year Columbia’s had since… well, the year before. Remember Matthew Fox? The Chung-Diamond “scandal”? “Don’t Be a Pussy”? “Epilogue to Our Crime & Punishment: A Petition“? Bwog certainly does, so step into the Wayback machine – you’re about to […]
CTV’s got Core review sessions for Lit Hum (with Mark Cohen) and Frontiers (with Darcy Kelley), with Music Hum to come tomorrow at 6PM on Channel 37! Also having to do with recorded stuff, except things that you actually want to listen to, Spec has a web-only story about the RIAA’s latest shenanigans: they’ve thrown […]
Someone calling herself Reni Laine (the suspicious name was not found on Facebook nor the Columbia Directory, her name’s there Bwog just can’t spell) sent Bwog a music video, about, of all things, Frontiers of Science. “Sexy ladies, get out your calculators…we’re gonna do a little thing called a…back of the envelope calculation.” Though it […]
Frontiers of Science lecturer Professor Darcy Kelley, on raising abandoned baby bats: “So I asked my friend how she carried her bats around, and she said she hung them from her bra: it’s warm, it’s wet…” Download the Frontiers podcast if you don’t believe us. Who says this class doesn’t teach first-years useful information?
I feel like I’ve been here before, been here before… (Watch Jeffrey Sachs on last night’s Charlie Rose.) Give me your toasters, your lava lamps, your otherwise hidden appliances…while you walk out for that McBain fire alarm Peace, Not Apartheid. (Just kidding!) Democracy Soon! Please? Frontiers’ heart: in the right place “In fact, the only […]
Frontiers report arrogant, Helfand responds, “I simply reject the claim that 17-year-olds know more than faculty” An article about money and sex, but no quid pro quo New York beats Boston in balls A Cool Article About A Playwright Spec staff urges credit for club sports, and Chas Carey says exactly the same thing (fix […]
The Core has frequently inspired as much acrimony as intellectual curiosity, and no one class has borne so much controversy as the disproportionately-loathed Frontiers of Science. From amid the tepid grumblings of the meekly subjected, however, comes the roar of the freshman class, taking a stand – where else? – on Facebook. Sports, science, and general […]
This year’s second crop of freshmen should be finishing up their Frontiers of Science exam right about now, which Bwog learned was administered on 18 single-sided pages per test taker (not including Blue Books). Those familiar with Frontiers will bear with us for a little back of the envelope calculation: There are approximately 1,000 students […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
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