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Posts Tagged with "google"

Welcome back to Bwog’s latest feature, “In Defense Of…” Here, a writer defends something that most students consider useless, inferior, or downright loathsome. In doing so, Bwog hopes to bring you a new perspective, and give the subject the appreciation it deserves…or not.   This time, you guessed it, it’s CubMail. Although google is taking over […]

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Why is Google so biased against the Columbia University College Republicans? A furtive, anonymous tipster, known only as “Dispose Me,” just informed Bwog of some foul play at work within the liberal search engine. “The Columbia Republicans site appears to have been plagued with viagra ads. And penis elargments. It’s also quite visible when you […]

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As the spring semester came to a screeching halt all too quickly yesterday, levying reading week and an ignominious batch of finals upon Columbia students quite eager to enjoy the pre-summer sunshine, Columbia Daily Spectator production also came to a halt yesterday, with an equally cheery promise to resume coverage in the fall.  While Bwog […]

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Bwog has recently been made privy to Grand Central, a Google-owned program that allows users to sign up for one number that will make all your phones ring when called (both landlines and cellphones). Grand Central also has numerous creepy/cool features like requiring people to state the reason for their call before getting to speak with you and allowing […]

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Bwog has been experimenting with Google Docs, the friendly and clean web-based word processor, (really the West Side Market of word processors). It seems that under the “Word Count” feature, the program will tell you the grade-level equivalent of your writing. We played around with this feature using some of our favorite theorists, celebrities, novelists, […]

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So you thought the Facebook apps were bad. Now Facebook has this nifty little feature where non-members and search engines can access your Facebook too! In technical terms, your public search listing is indexed by external search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.). Now alongside your high school cross-country race times, curious minds can also see […]

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From a tipster: “go to google maps. click street view. check out college walk – might bwog-readers care to find their friends?” As if websites, news, print media, videos and pictures weren’t enough, Google has made Googleable yet another category of information: every fucking square inch of Manhattan. While Bwog is impressed with the audacity […]

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Midday Miscellany

1)  Finding the Columbia search engine less efficient than manually locating wanted pages? Google through all of the pages here.  It works like a dream. 2) Cents and insensitivity:  Moneycontrol India asks whether Indian students may be deterred from studying in the U.S. following the massacre at Virginia Tech.  Columbia’s cited. 3)  The beacon […]

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A tipster wrote in to alert Bwog to an apparent SEAS conspiracy brewing at Google Labs. The image of Columbia’s campus on Google Maps is overlaid by “Columbia Univ – School of Engineering” while “Columbia University” is confined to 120th & Broadway, somewhere in the neighborhood of Pupin. We knew SEAS had been stepping into […]

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Not only does Bwog read your papers and listen behind your back, we can also see how you find us! Below some of the best searches that resulted in someone clicking on the Bwog… Why does urine glow? Olsen twins vending machine: good places to get food if your a nyu student. Punjabi verb conjugations, […]

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A few days ago Google introduced a new feature called “Trends” that allows users to view statistics about the search queries that Google fields by the millions every day. And finally, we have proof that Columbia actually is more important than its ivied brethren. A comparison by volume of the search term “columbia university” versus […]

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Web Statistics 101

The Bwog is savvy. The Bwog is so savvy it can read your mind. Not really. But the Bwog can see what Google searches you use to get to the site. In the name of “Not Thinking About Finals or Graduation,” the Bwog gives you the list of Best.Searches.Ever. Can you find a theme? how […]

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When one industrious Bwog staffer googled our name, his search revealed: a. a blog about puppies b. Bloody Wall of Gore c. Bible is not the WOG (word of God) d. The Elmer Fudd “dialectizer” (see: ‘why this site is not racist’) When that same staffer felt compelled to search “BWOG porn” he found, on […]

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