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Posts Tagged with "hot dogs"
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Mmmm Expozé

Hurry now to Lerner for the remains of Live at Lerner’s Tuesday offering of lentil salad and hot dogs! There’s also a DJ and some student artwork.

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It’s Alive!

  Bwog has confirmed that what anonymous tipsters saw this morning was not in fact more preparatory nonsense, but the long-awaited awakening of Lerner’s Only Hot Dog Machine. Bwog’s dry-run (we missed the “take your condiments NOW” part of the process) revealed a warmer and juicier product than expected. See it for yourself after the […]

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Though still devoid of frankfurters chilled, grilled, or otherwise, the Empti Lounge’s hot dog machine appears to be the newest member of Columbia’s illustrious Flex network. A technician installed a Flex reader on the front panel of the machine today, enabling you to pass off your sizeable weiner bills to your parents as soon as […]

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Yesterday, a Bwog operative was eating lunch in the formerly-known-as-Tasti Lounge, when a maintenance man approached the hot dog machine. The maintenance man proceeded to open the bowels of this strange beast for all to see.   Unfortunately…

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Housing & Dining has thrown up some cheap-looking plastic signage around the Empti Lounge vending machines that reads “Market Central.”  How exactly a few standard vending machines qualifies as a “market” Bwog has yet to understand, but one thing we do know is that nothing says classy like fake plastic torchieres. According to culinary anthropologist Jonathan Hill, […]

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Meat on The Go

Replacing the notoriously low-cal Tasti D-Lite: a hot dog vending machine. There are three “freshly grilled” options: Nathan’s ($2), Hebrew National ($2.50) and Sabbret ($3.50). Watch this space on Wednesday as Bwog sacrifices its tastebuds and culinary dignity to bring you a review, and then watch again on Thursday for the collapse from cardiac arrest. […]

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This month, Bwog staffer Armin Rosen finds himself in Bangalore, which is not as unlike Manhattan as you might think. Up until this weekend, my lone experience with south Asia’s IT boomtown was crossing the street between its central bus and train stations. Simple enough in theory—but, owing to the city’s notorious Friday-night traffic and […]

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Last Night’s CCSC

A few gems from the Columbia College Student Council meeting Sunday night. “The theme for Safer Sex Week… well, it has to do with hot dogs and tacos.” -Sophomore President George Krebs, announcing a planned Safer Sex Week study break. “We’re making Valentines for old lonely people.” -Junior President Neda Navab, showing compassion for the […]

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Bwog tipster Christopher Morris-Lent sent in the first–but certainly not the last–gem of the year from Sunil Gulati’s Principles class: Gulati, speaking about inferior goods to a [presumably female] student:  But would it hurt you to have a hot dog?  If I gave you a hot dog right now, wouldn’t it bring you some pleasure? […]

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