Update, 6:16 pm: Dean Hinkson just sent us this statement: The policy was changed last February (2012) due to more and more returning students requesting housing, and overall, more students opting to stay on campus instead of seeking off-campus housing. Even so, we are making every effort to accommodate as many students as we can […]
Late last week, we learned that Barnard students returning from leave or transferring in will probably have to live off-campus, which could mean the loss of some financial aid and on-campus housing the year after. We reached out to Dean Hinkson to hear the Barnard administration’s side of the story. Upside: Barnard students might not be […]
Barnard has a severe housing shortage. On Wednesday, residents learned that Plimpton rooms which in the spring were singles will this fall be doubles. Today, a student forwarded us an email from Barnard Res Life explaining that Barnard students returning from leave, and possibly transfers as well, may not get on-campus housing at all—may be […]
The Y (which is very much not the YMCA). Plimpton residents, you could have it worse. Barnard really, really, lacks space. A tipster forwarded us this “email [that] students received who are returning from time off, and (possibly) all transfers also.” The email opens ominously: Thank you for applying for on-campus housing and for your […]
Anonymous email sent in last night which recounts a critical moment in the Columbian life-cycle: At approximately 5pm EST, a shot was fired. “Housing?!” posted one eager student in the Columbia – Class of 2016 Facebook grouper, sending over 1,000 students into a rush to get to LionMail first. No doubt, this would create traffic; […]
Update, 7/25: Some people, mostly juniors, have gotten off the waitlist. If you’re one of the lucky ones (or one of the unlucky ones who still have no idea where you’ll be living in 2 months) let us know in the comments. Don’t panic! All through the summer, we’ll continue to answer your housing questions. […]
Many of you recently received an email from our bffls, the Columbia Trustees, stating that they decided to charge you more to live here next year. The rates increased anywhere from $25-$35 depending on your dorm, and the new price is already reflected on the StarRez Portal. Before you go lawyer up (read: call your […]
The latest in Obamanard security measures, sent out this morning to residents of the buildings bordering South Lawn: Dear [Resident], We hope that you had a successful close to the spring semester! As a resident with Extended or Interim Housing living in one of the residence halls on South Field, you will be required to […]
Sean Zimmermann reports from the final ESC meeting of the year. The ESC passed a resolution to limit sophomores from mixed-point groups, who drop down into general selection, from picking into Furnald. This year, no sophomores who were not in a mixed-point group were able to choose into Furnald. The discussions focused only on Furnald […]
It’s what you’ve been waiting for… suite selection appointment times are up! Log on to StarRez, select your 2012-2013 application, and react accordingly. Not that this will tell you much, but it’s a nice way to remind yourself how much you do or do not have to look forward to next year. You can’t lose […]
Location: 70 Morningside Dr. Nearby dorms: Wien. That’s literally it. Stores and restaurants: HamDel, Appletree Market, SubsConscious, Kitchenette (!) No banks or large grocery stores, but there is a Citibank ATM on the 4th floor of SIPA. Amenities: AC/Heating: Yes and yes. Kitchen/Lounge: Yes and Yes. Also a hall lounge. Kitchens are very nice and […]
Location: 411 W. 116th Street. Nearby dorms: East Campus Stores and restaurants: It’s a bit desolate over on 116th and Amsterdam. HamDel, food cart, Camille’s (if you’re brave) Cost: $6,718. (Same as McBain, Schapiro and Broadway) Amenities: Noteworthy: You get a sink in your room. A sink! In your room! Bathrooms: Amazing! Normal floor bathrooms, recently renovated. AC/Heating: […]
By now, most of you know your place within the grand—and imminent—debacle that is suite selection. Using our handy little calculator and data from this year and last, Bwog has done a little bit of math in order to track the trends and changes in the huddled masses awaiting shelter for next year. Changes Based […]
Location: 600 W. 113th Nearby dorms: McBain and Watt are across Broadway. Hogan and Broadway are only a block away. Stores and restaurants: On top of Nussbaum & Wu and Mill Korean. Across the street from Deluxe, Milano, Il Cibreo, and International. The rest of Broadway lies at your fingertips (shoetips?). You will thank the […]
In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks, here’s a friendly reminder that today is kind of, sort of important. Make sure to check out Housing’s Facebook page for the latest scoop or Housing’s Calendar so you can keep yourself up to date on all the deadlines. As for now, […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
February 21, 2025Freshpeople Housing Review 2022: Wallach
February 20, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2019: John Jay Hall
February 20, 2025Hate Letter: “Midterms”
February 20, 2025