Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full list is after the jump. Recommended “Opium Trade in Afghanistan: Human Rights, Security and Public Health” […]
The learning starts today. Gather with philosopher queen Christia Mercer (substitute for Lit Hum legend Gareth Williams in the graph) to pore over the Iliad that you’ve all finished weeks ago! Head over to Lerner, the big glass thing, at 2:30. Graphic by Jon Hill
Last night, Calliope sang about the wrath of Achilles in the Classics Department’s adaptation of Illiad IX. Bwog’s Ancient Greek enthusiast Conor Skelding was there! At the risk of sounding bubbly and too-glowing (I promise the next review I write will be meaner!), the Classics Department’s Iliad IX was magnificent. Most notably, the entire play […]
Earlier today when the entire senior class opened an email entitled �How to increase the value of your diploma and not spill your beer,� they found a link to a most ridiculous YouTube video produced by Senior Fund. The video chronicles the misfortunes of Mitch, the student full of excuses not to donate to Senior […]
Are you kept up at night by financial fears? Yes…but PrezBo is always there for me with his consoling words. Are you proud to be an American now with an Obama Presidency? Yes…but Obama’s Presidency could be as disastrous as the Trojan War was for the Greeks! Wait, who won that war? Better check Sparknotes… […]
Bwog enlisted freshman correspondent Peter Thompson to report back with all the exciting details of the semester’s first Lit Hum class. Notebooks and laptops in hand, the thousand or so 2012s filed in to Roone Arledge Auditorium this afternoon for their very first Columbia class. Professor Gareth Williams, chair of Lit Hum, started speaking at […]
So have you finished those first six books yet? No? Bwog’s resident epic poetess Anna Corke gives you the quick and dirty version. Now don’t say we never gave you anything. Book I: In Which Our Hero Loses His Woman, Cries to Mommy, Rages. Book II: In Which Zeus Lies; Agamemnon Tries to Chicken Out […]
If they haven’t already, Generation ’10 will soon recieve a slick new copy of the Iliad, courtesy of some alumni class from the last fifty years. Unless they decide to buck tradition, its cover will feature a lovely classical painting now hanging in L’Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. Slate, however, has proposed the alternative […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025