Big changes could be on the way next year for how Columbia students do on-campus dining, especially for those on meal plans. According to student government sources, to meet student desire for greater flexibility in their dining plans and to encourage healthier eating habits, meal plans will be shifting from the current meals-per-semester system to […]
Besides the students and faculty, there are many other members of both the Columbia and Morningside communities who make the years here a little more enjoyable. We at Bwog feel they deserve a little time in the spotlight for all their hard work. Today: Jared Frieder feels nostalgic, and asks Charlie White of JJ’s Place […]
Bwog’s Sean Zimmerman reports from ESC’s first meeting. “We’re pretty sexy, so I’d like to spread that sexiness around.” Varun Gulati’s personal goal for ESC was one of many discussed at the first Engineering Student Council meeting, in which council members congregated in Lerner Cinema to discuss the coming year. A new year brings new […]
Three years after adopting flat screens, JJ’s Place has gotten another technological upgrade. Student Services confirms to Bwog that JJ’s Place has now added wireless internet access, along with “some structural renovations.” No doubt it’ll be handy for first-years taking a break from half-finished homework to Google useful JJ’s information, like “how much fried food […]
It’s after midnight, and you’re tired. While Bwog can’t help you create your own individually tailored regimen of stimulants, we can provide your best nearby source of stimulating drinks to get you through that all-nighter: Morton, JJ’s or Hamdel. The four drinks: Red Bull, generic coffee, Lipton tea, and Coke or Pepsi all of which […]
With the new year comes new dining policies, and none may be more threatening to freshman waistlines than the institution of “Order-by-Phone” pickup system at JJ’s. According to Dining Services, “you can order any food item from the menu in advance by calling 212-851-5801 and can pick it up approximately 15 minutes after the phone […]
An astute tipster informed Bwog today that he noticed odd hours at staple campus eateries Ferris Booth and JJs Place. After a quick phone call to Dining Services, Bwog was able to dig up last year’s hours for comparison. Indeed, much has changed and no longer is it possible to make 3am romps to JJs […]
When last we left the great promises of Off Campus Flex, we were bemoaning its demise and then celebrating its resurrection. But now, as part of a long list Housing and Dining improvements (which include a mini-Mill Korean at Carleton Lounge in Mudd, faux-vitamin water in John Jay, a taco bar in Ferris Booth, and […]
Bwog’s new Satow Room bureau chief Martha Turewicz reports on last night’s meeting. As far as CCSC meetings go, some are pretty unremarkable. But others, like last night’s, stand out as veritable gems, with VP of Campus Life Lindsey Lazopoulos as the star of the show, proffering bon mots left, right and center. To wit: […]
As the New Year is still dawning, the Council is coming back with a renewed vigor that only 31 blissful days can create. No new resolutions, however, events and notices abound. To the dismay of many a late-night glutton, the University’s survey on JJ’s Place determined that it would not be financially viable to expand […]
CCSC is back from break and fulfilling campaign promises left and right. Everyone’s favorite student council is on a fact-finding mission to discover when you the student use the mighty convenience mart. Should it be open on weekends? At non-nocturnal hours? Let your voice be heard here. Anyone can take the survey, so get on […]
A couple weeks ago, Bwog reported on the sudden and upsetting disappearance of JJ’s spicy chicken. However, inside sources revealed that the finest culinary delight Columbia has to offer has been reintroduced to the menu of JJ’s. That’s right. Spicy Chicken is back. Reduced to a humble cafeteria by the loss of the famed dish, […]
JJ’s-devotees were certainly in a shock this fall. Sure from a cursory glance, JJ’s looks great! So many frozen meals! So much ice cream! However, once you stepped up to that familiar counter, a perennial favorite was missing- the spicy chicken! The spicy strips of chicken breast were deep-fried to a tender and moist perfection. […]
A few weeks ago, Dan and Lucy mooned over Dave Eggers and fell in love again. Now, JJs withdrawal has finally caught up with them. As the spicy chicken grease and artificial smoothie flavoring oozes out of their pores, they seek solace in Denny’s and Haruki Murakami’s After Dark. Lucy: When I first picked up […]
Good news for those who get queasy at the sight of chicken strips: the organic food coop is opening again tonight in JJ’s! Last year, Local Organic Agriculture and Friends (LOAF), re-christened Core Foods, brought you fresh veggies, soy products, and other sundry vegan treats, and this year is planning even bigger and better things. […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025