Bwoggers are dynamic people. We’re involved with more on campus than just Bwog; we’re athletes (are we?), marching band-ers, student council representatives, and NSOP orientation leaders. So if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like during NSOP for an OL, you’re in luck, because we’ve got some insider info to share. 6:30 am: My alarm goes […]
Senior Staffer Ross Chapman is putting his ArtHum skills to use in the long-awaited review of Koronet’s renovation. Final verdict: no pizza place does it better. As we prepare for our upcoming exams, many of us (seniors included) are boning up for our final in Art Hum. This staple of the Core usually asks us […]
On Friday night, First-Years S$, L$, and Y$, chaperoned by a Senior Staffer (henceforth referred to as Editor), headed to 1020 for an open-to-close adventure: 4:00 pm to 4:00 am. In their bags were half-done homework assignments, the Iliad, Sappho’s “If Not, Winter”, a condom, and a single iPhone charger. The events that ensued are […]
We know firsthand that this senior has a whole lotta wisdom. We sat down with our own Bwog Director of Communications, Natalie Telson, to hear her tackle the oral sex or cheese question. Name, School, Major, Hometown: Natalie Telson; GS/JTS; Political Science at Columbia and Hebrew Bible at JTS; North Tustin, CA Claim to fame: You may have […]
B*tch better have my pizza!!! Singer Rihanna was recently spotted vacationing in Hawaii wearing a pizza-patterned bathing suit. Peep the photos on the singer’s Instagram to see the look for yourself. (Huffpost Canada) Tax season is a drag for us all, but Pizza Hut is making this time of year a bit easier with the “Pizza […]
Homecoming is upon us! Show your school spirit (hah) and get thee to Low Plaza between 5:00 and 7:00 tonight for FREE KORONETS PIZZA and performances from the dance team and the marching band! Come celebrate and get delicious pizza grease all over your face! Delicious free food via Wikimedia Commons
Bwog recently received this email from someone who may or may not have been sober, and our interest (and appetite) was piqued. Dear Bwog, I feel like doing something crazy this weekend. Are there any places where, if I manage to eat a crazy amount of food, I get my picture on a wall or […]
Here are the things you could do at Koronet’s last semester: Gorge yourself on giant pizza slices Use the awning as a smoking haven when it’s raining out, you want a cigarette, and the Mel’s bouncers are being particularly ornery Abuse the parmesan cheese and red pepper flake station Here are the things you can […]
We all know that Morningside Heights contains a lot of good eats, but they haven’t always been taken seriously. Bwog’s Senior Foodie Diana Clarke reports that this is changing. Our beloved neck of the woods is finally getting the culinary recognition it truly deserves from city’s blogosphere. Click the Morningside Heights tag on the excellent […]
At 1:33 AM yesterday morning, a tipster sent Bwog an urgent message: “THIS WILL NOT STBAD.” Koronet’s super-sized pizza, in all its greasy goodness, now costs $3.75. This 25 cent price hike follows a steady quarter-a-year trend. It’s unnerving, because when you’re schwasted, you’ll throw down anything just for chow. Only the next morning will […]
This is the first installment of Morningside Lows, an ongoing series about cheap and local goings-on. $150 in credit is frozen on your Mastercard. African security guards constantly peer over your narrow shoulders. Dirty staffers give you dirtier looks when you ask where you can find High Fidelity (Directors section, under F, for “Frears, Stephen” […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025