Somehow, one of our staff members has lucked into having no midterms this week. This anonymous Bwogger tells us what it’s like to be “free” this week–or, rather, what we think it’s like. Everyone around me is, in their words, “dying.” On this busy week of ours, libraries are packed and hope is scarce. “One more week,” my […]
Bwog was wondering: What do you watch or listen to when you go into an exam knowing you’ll fail? Here’s how we pump ourselves up in anticipation of failure, when we’ve really just got to say “fuck it, we’re doing it live.” “The World’s Greatest” by R. Kelly “You Make My Dreams Come True” by Hall […]
Here’s your biweekly Drinking With Bwog fix with JJ Rivera from the Columbia Bartending Agency (CBA). If you think you need more alcohol in your life, check out the CBA class schedule. Are you ready to secretly curse the sadistic professor who swore their midterm was easy? Are you nervous about how lack of sleep […]
In honor of today officially being the midterm–the true mid-point of the semester, as officiated by the registrar–Midterm Maven Britt Fossum defends the bane of your existence. I’m a little concerned that midterms need defending at all. What happened to the enthusiasm for learning and that high school grind to excel? What did you think […]
Art Hum and Music Hum: two of the spaces where the normally intelligent, talented citizens of Columbia can gather together and make some of the dumbest comments you will ever hear in a classroom. If you’re nervous about your midterm tomorrow, Bwog’s found some shining examples of visual and aural analysis for you to be […]
Have you been spending absurd chunks of time hiding out in Butler and leaving your papers strategically scattered when you take a lunch break? Feeling guilty? Don’t! Camping Connoisseur Katherine Nevitt is here to defend you. We’ve all complained about the impropriety of pitching tent in Butler. And yet at the same time, we’ve all been Milstein […]
Bwog asked for the weird things seen in textbooks. Here’s what we got. No shit, Sherlock: From a book on McCarthyism: “It’s hard to have a witch-hunt without witches” The editors forgot to take it out of the final draft: From a chapter on cyclic molecules: “‘Clearly the ring had an unwholesome power…’ —J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord […]
An unscientific poll of Bwoggers concludes that tonight/tomorrow is filled with an unholy combination of midterms, problem sets, and paper due dates. Times of turmoil call for instant gratification and endless distraction; so here are a bunch of links to the garbage we’re procrastinating to. r/Aww This Isn’t Happiness Emergency compliment Virtual Bubble Wrap Food Porn Daily or […]
Happening right now on the Lerner Ramps, CCSC is giving away free grilled cheese, Capri Sun, and Reeses and other candy as part of their “Recess with Reeses” study break. Apparently, this is what you kids ate all the time in elementary school. This and tomato surprise:
Midterms do not always bring out the best in us. It is common knowledge that Aeneas was knee-deep in exam season when he killed Turnus, “aflame with rage.” And on Carman 12, no stranger to shenanigans, the primal urge to tear things down from bulletins boards has been indulged without mercy.
It’s been a very stressful week—sophomores made major decisions, everyone except for seniors chose 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or none of their best friends to live with. Oh, and in case you haven’t noticed from all of our trite “Midterms are here!” ledes, midterms are here. We’ve brought you Brocrastination, kept you […]
The next few weeks will be full of essays (humanities people), textbook cramming/rapid calculator movement (SEAS), and Butler Bingo (procrastinators) as midterms fast approach. But before the 209 camping begins, we’ll try to make you smile by showing you some images of tiny and adorable children we’ve spotted around Morningside Heights.
There was a full rainbow stretching from Hamilton to Low (and seen all around campus) just a few minutes ago. Lovely! We hope you are done with midterms. Thanks to Ryan Mandelbaum for the first photo.
It’s time to take midterms. The weather knows that. Thanks to Pauline Baudon for filming.
Never fear, ye of too many midterms, Cooking with Bwog is back again. Read on to see how culinary god Matt Powell teaches you how to keep yourself alive during this most unfortunate of times. As the seasons change, it is panic that fills that reminds us that midterms are again upon us. During this […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025