At this time of year, newness comes in all forms, from the obvious (your new dorm, your new classes, your new books, your new backpack) to the unanticipated (your replacement macBook charger, your subscription to Netflix to replace Kim’s.) And while the novelty of these items is, well, novel, the polish of your purchases and […] has just released a ranking of the best Ivy League Schools in terms of post-Bachelors salaries. Let’s see how Columbia stacked up. Why look, it’s last, dead last. Topping the list is Dartmouth (fraternities), followed by Princeton (eating clubs) and Yale (collective ennui?). As one Bwog staffer points out: “This says a lot […]
If you’ve been a little sour on dear Alma Mater lately, an anonymous Bwog informant has just stumbled upon something to restore your faith in your degree and your Columbia. This gal’s a CU grad — just like many of you! (Go Lions!) She majored in Anthropology. And also like many of you, she loves […]
ABC has just released a spreadsheet of 2008-2009’s club allocations. (As you might remember, ABC released their 2007-2008 allocations/debt spreadsheet in February, prompting SGB to do the same and creating a minor brouhaha in the process.) So onto the compare-contrast: The most noticeable budgetary increase is that of Bacchanal and Special Events, which received just […]
Tipster and burrito-enthusiast Eugene Shapsyuk alerts Bwog to some unfortunate price-raising at Chipotle: “I thought it’d be worth reporting as an FYI that Chipotle raised their prices. Price of a Burrito with guac is now $10.34 up from $9.25 I think. Guac’s 10 cent’s more and a Burrito is $7.61 up from I think $6.95. […]
About two hours ago, members of the Barnard community received an email detailing the chilling aftermath of a not-really-successful mail fraud scheme. Apparently, one Barnard student became quasi-entangled in a web of money laundering and stolen identities after trying to sell some text books. The email reads: “On 2/28/2008, a Barnard College student reported that […]
Congratulations to Vikram Pandit, who is about to go from exceedingly loaded to unbelievably loaded. Pandit is a triple Columbia alumnus, having earned both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering in the 70s before selling out to get a PhD in finance in 1986. Yesterday, he was named CEO of Citigroup, a company worth […]
AskBwog: Special Double Useful Question Edition The first of this week’s questions comes from Bwogger Maryam Parhizkar who wants to know where she can convert her loose change into dolla dolla bills, yall. The Bank of America on 107th and Broadway has change-converter machines that are free for anyone to use, regardless of whether they […]
In case you were curious about what other things came up in the last 24 hours or so: Robert Kraft, alumnus and New England Patriots owner extraordinaire, just donated a crapload of money to Columbia Athletics ($5 million, to be exact). Consequentially, Lawrence A. Wein Stadium has become the Stadium Formerly Known as Wein, […]
Over the summer, an anonymous tipster noticed that the Columbia homepage had added a “Giving” button. Poking around further, the same source found the University’s gift guide, in which everything has a price. The Arts Initiative is looking for between $225-670,000 for a “unified University Box Office” in Lerner with online ticketing. Finally? Putting on […]
In which Bwog freelancer Zack Hoopes infiltrates the world of I-banking infosessions. “THIS is where you need to be. This IS where you need to be. This is where YOU need to be.” The JP Morgan interns on the TV screen said this phrase to me, over and over again, in every conceivable form of […]
Your parents might still be willing to pay your bills and do your paperwork, but the sooner you take it on yourself, the better. Longtime tipster and Lehmaneer Tao Tan kindly wrote up these simple guidelines to avoid financial ruin. Scroll down, there’s a lot. Part I: Set Up Your Banking. When you come to […]
A Bwog Contest! The student able to create the best Lolprof, Lolbollinger, Lolhavel, or Lolmatthewcfox (or any other variation) will win $20 to Chipoltle! (For those of you unfamiliar with Lolcats, this Slate tutorial is a must-read.) Send submissions to before September 4th at midnight.
Sometimes, for the broke college student, whoring yourself out to paid psychology experiments just doesn’t cut it. To offer some assistance in your job search, we bring you dispatches from five students who tell all about their various engagements in the world of campus employment, work-study and beyond. Compiled by Maryam Parhizkar. The Library Assistant […]
A sharp-eyed tipster wrote in to let us know that the Columbia home page just gained a button, right below the events calendar: “Giving to Columbia.” It’s a snazzy site–Provost Brinkley, whose homepage doesn’t seem to have been updated much in 11 years, would be jealous. It may even be better than those of Brown […]
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