Buzzfeed is lying to you—you do not need a printer!
If you aren’t content living inside of a furnace, perhaps these tips and tricks for capitalizing on your ridiculously hot dorm will make these first few weeks back on campus a bit more bearable.
Welcome, frosh! Today saw the slightly chaotic move-in of Barnard first-years as well as students not from New Jersey CC/SEAS international students and the farthest away domestic students. OLs greeted each car that pulled up to Carman with school-spirit-crazed cheers, Columbia didn’t card anybody for food bags and trays of hot dogs, and all was well. Freshmen: […]
Bwog almost forgot in the excitement of NSOP that Columbia supports three other years’ worth of students, but with Saturday the 31st looming, we can’t ignore the empty suitcase sitting on our bedroom floor. Sorry, first-years — it’s been real, but starting tomorrow you’re going to have to share campus with 2016, 2015, and 2014. […]
Yes, we are referring to today as Day 1. Also we’re extending a shout-out to Transfer, Visiting, and Combined plan students, who are arriving tomorrow. You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram [thebwog] for more updates #socialmedia Move-in for the day is officially over and appears to have gone smoothly. Reports include that there […]
Survey your Carman double. Don’t let the stark cinder block and linoleum faze you—soon you too can cover your walls with cool kitsch. But in case you are daunted by all that space, or any other first-time conundrums, Bwog will answer your questions. We’re here to help, so ask away via Dear Bwog, What’s the best way […]
Behold your dorm room. It’s—It’s—It’s—nice?? Don’t be too disappointed. You’ll stain it too and make it your own. (Fun fact: JJ11 has a tainted legacy. One past resident drunkenly shat on the floor.) Anywho, college may be your first time living on your own, so you probably have some questions. We’re here to help. In […]
Today is not only the first day of school, it’s also the day when Controversial Storage Company Collegeboxes (the very same one banned from Barnard) makes its glorious return to campus, maybe with some of your stuff in tow! Bwog spoke with one girl waiting in front of Lerner to retrieve her packages. She warned […]
This morning, the rest of 2012 has arrived on campus to be greeted by happy NSOP leaders and their first Columbia challenge: move-in lines. Reports from campus indicate that the lines are manageable, though. Free food mavens, be aware: the family lunch is starting right about now, allowing you to test the efficacy of NSOP […]
Bwog spies report that the first batch of West Coast Terrible 12s have arrived on campus, with the others following in the next day or so. Because we were all once first-years — and the 12s need all the help they can get — we’ve put together a list of Surprisingly Useful Last-Minute things to […]
The songs that play on a loop during move-in always seem to set the tone for the rest of the semester. So far, we’ve heard this sequence: “Caught Up” – Usher, which transitioned to “Rehab”- Amy Winehouse, which was abruptly and awkwardly stopped during the “class…shot glass” line and changed to something by Frank Sinatra. […]
International and West Coast first-years have arrived! They are soggy, worn-out, and a bit irritable, but not nearly as irritable as they could be. The rain has slowed to an intermittent drizzle, Housing and Dining has soundtracked the event with weather appropriate songs like “Singing in the Rain,” the lines for the elevators at John […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025