Right now, smack-dab in the middle of the Times’ front page, there’s a feature by film reviewer A.O. Scott on actress Greta Gerwig, who graduated from Barnard in 2006. Ms. Gerwig is currently co-starring in the movie “Greenberg” opposite Ben Stiller, but has also appeared in the feature films “Kicking and Screaming” and “The Squid […]
Stay in your homes – the Cataclyzzard is here! (The Weather Channel) Paterson’s bombshell story (Take 1 2 3 4). (NYT) The fight for marriage equality steps up. (NYT) The Battle of the Barnard Meal Plan Part V: Deployment of the Student Task Force. (Spec)
The Travel section in Today’s Times features a “local stop” in Morningside Heights purporting to give an itinerary that mirrors the weekend afternoons of real Columbia students. The only problem? When was the last time any student you know went to, for example, A Cafe or the Ding Dong Lounge? Another dubious sign: the article […]
Numerous tipsters have highlighted the featured article in today’s Times arts section, about the still-under-construction Northwest Science Building, and its architect, Jose Rafeo Moneo. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the many difficulties that the project has faced, including building on top of the gym, complementing the Manhattanville expansion, and, um, anonymous commenters. Yes, […]
We return from our 4th of July break with a round-up of some other stories we received this past week. First, former SEAS dean/idiosyncratic emailer Zvi Galil has resigned as president of Tel Aviv University, after only two years in the post. Galil became president of the Israeli university in 2007, after twelve years as […]
Have you heard about this new movie? We think it’s called something like, “Star Trek”? In case you missed the $50 million marketing campaign that has included everything from fast-food “Kingons” to Trek-themed Eggo waffles, the New York Times gave you another chance to join in the hype this weekend with an op-ed from Columbia […]
We know that almost all of us had to overcome something to get to Columbia, but let’s be honest: some had to overcome more than others. As the first example of this, the New York Times presents Carrie Montgomery, a new member of the class of 2013, and one of twelve Times scholars this year. […]
Rats, garbage, and the yells of Take Back the Night–they’ve heard about it all. Last year, the city surveyed 25,000 households and asked them to ponder what makes them happy. These poetic responses were boiled down into a series of categories about city services and quality of life in various neighborhoods. Using The New York […]
Image via morningside-heights.net The poor, defenseless buildings of Morningside are under siege from the ravenous monster that is Columbia University. Or so local residents would have us believe. More than a decade ago, locals petitioned the Landmarks Preservation Commission to protect Morningside Heights (which includes a large number of older buildings with their original architectural […]
The Wall Street Journal reports that Columbia’s Economics department, along with Econ departments across the country, is hiring no new economists this year. Last year, Columbia made nine new hires, eight of whom were snagged from other schools. Economists can generally make more working for the government or the private sector, but, for obvious reasons, […]
Graphic artist Christoph Niemann posted these LEGO sculptures of New York artifacts and features, immediately recognizable to any City dweller. The pictures have attracted a lot of attention and give little credit to Madison Square Garden, which is represented by a tire. In other arcane urban news, the strange sweet smell that has visited Manhattan […]
Many graceful hat tips to the handful of tipsters who sent word of the huge article about the Columbia Ballet Collaborative in Saturday’s Times. The CBC was formed in 2007 by GSer Victoria North and four friends over a meal at Deluxe (naturally.) And as the article explains at length, the club is designed to […]
Today’s New York Times Sunday Book Review includes a letter to the editor from philosophy and English professor Philip Kitcher, in which he masterfully corrects Slate overlord Jack Shafer. The latter had hypothetically asked in last week’s review of Roy Blount, Jr.’s Alphabet Juice: “Who before Blount thought to construct a complete conversation using only […]
Trawling the weddings section of The New York Times, Bwog found out that Columbia’s very own Farah Griffin was married last Saturday. She teaches English, comparative literature, and African-American studies. She also directs the Institute for Research in African American Studies here and has written several books about jazz musicians. The lucky man is Prof. […]
Bwog Presidential Archivist Mariela Quintana reports that all kiosks surrounding campus are completely sold out of today’s copy of the New York Times. Gawker is also reporting the same problem in the West Village, where there is nary a copy to be found. The Times has also picked up on their own paper shortage, reporting […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025