So there you are, at three in the morning on Saturday. You just had a great time getting covered in glitter in a Brownstone, and now you’re back in Furnald. But your roommate is asleep! You decide to be courteous and dry hump your compatriot in the public lounge. This is not courteous. Do not […]
It’s our final Field Notes of the season, and boy are we tired. Seriously. As we all get ready for the home stretch, we’re either getting way too much or way too little when it comes to catching Z’s. Here’s what happened on our wild weekends – as always, submit your own for the next […]
So, Hurricane Joaquin happened. The wind howled, the rain drops fell mercilessly against your window, and you binge-watched the entire first season of How to Get Away with Murder in one and a half days/had a fight with your boyfriend. It’s okay, because other people got up to stuff for you! Enjoy, and email any and […]
When the Columbia social scene gets tough, look to the escape tactics of these found first-years: retreat to glass-filled local establishments so that people know you’re out, but that you’re above whatever is happening in Mel’s. And make sure you bring snacks! But more about Mel’s below, and we want to hear more about your […]
Real people Upperclassmen are back on campus and first-years have survived the insanity of NSOP. Bwog hopes everyone is making it through the first day of classes, but if you barely struggled through, re-live the highs and lows of the long weekend with field notes. Firsts for non-first-years: Got thrown up on for the first […]
We’ve arrived at the onset of Labor Day Weekend, which means that the flock of returning Columbia students is just starting its first wave. Official move-in begins on Saturday, but we know people are finagling their way back to campus earlier to do something productive…like bask in the upcoming weekend nights that precede days of […]
Late on Saturday night, when even the most inebriated of us have retreated to their beds without brushing their teeth, the true animals of the night emerge to get their share of uncensured fun. Without students around to patrol them, Public Safety officers working the 4 am shift tip-toe out of their fort in Low, […]
Bwog rarely cares about sports (especially when it involves non-Columbia teams), but sportswear clad New York baseball fans infiltrated the MTA this weekend for the Mets-Yankees series. They were loud, pregaming in public places, vulgar, rambunctious…basically all things we are/inspire to be when Bacchanal Saturday rolls around. Since we didn’t quite get there this Bacchanal, […]
And therefore we’ve lost motivation to stay inside and focus on anything important. We used the rain today to retreat quickly back to bed and reminisce on a Saturday not too far gone where shorts and sitting on grass coincided. Pray with us for similar weather next weekend at A high of 77 degrees […]
Bwog really finds fulfillment in resonating with abandoned bottles of alcohol on Low. We’ll take suggestions for our psycho-analyzation and what weekend plans you’ve got lined up at Bwog’s recommendation on tap “There was a guy shitting in the men’s room at 1020 at about 1 am on Thursday. Patrons will know that there is […]
Well, something else had to have happened besides Bacchanal. This weekend be sure to send along your all-weekend plans over to! Friday “Got drunk with fam at Seder.” “Went home for Passover. Made some cash. Ate too much food.” “Watched a lot of Game of Thrones.” “Drunk by noon. Asleep by six.” “Picked up […]
It’s getting (somewhat) warmer outside, so everyone’s starting to feel lil’ steamy on the inside. Or, we all can just feel really inspired by the timely finding of an interestingly marketed lip balm product. Pucker up, cause Bacchanal is on the (rainy and cold) horizon, and everyone’s gonna be looking for warmth. Cheers to the […]
The high rollin’ times of Spring Break 2015 have come and gone, and we successfully abused all comps available to us to ensure we don’t remember a good portion of it. You could say we have an addiction, but we took tips from our friends at MIT and got enough bank from counting cards to […]
A week from today, regardless of where your spring break plans are taking you, you’ll have abandoned the books (just as a fellow NYC resident did on a non-shoveled sidewalk in Alphabet City this weekend) and be done with your midterms (hopefully). But we still needed to pretend this weekend that we aren’t in the […]
It’s March, and there’s still snow on the ground and treacherous sludge to dodge while you walk to your 8:40. All we want is spring, and the sun these days doesn’t melt any of our wintry sorrows away. In response, we’ve taken to devoting our free time to screens in addition to the usual shenanigans. […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025