You are different. You are a pot of pasta at the end of the rainbow. Stay weird, Columbia. Send in your stories to Remember: Just The Tip. Friday “As far back as the beginning of the semester, ive given serious thought to walking the entire length of broadway from columbia to battery park. This […]
Some say that strikethroughs are stupid tasteful. Some say that Bwog overuses them doesn’t use them enough. And some just don’t give a shit don’t give a fuck. What are your feelings? Anonymously share them below and live in Bwog infamy. (And send in your tips to, or use our anonymous tip form.) When isn’t the band weird […]
This weekend was a grim and dark affair. Those who ventured out, despite the second round of midterms, experienced many a strange happenings. Read through this week’s submitted tips, and be sure to tip your bacchanal musings to Thursday “Went to a MUN party at the Sheraton with a friend in town, after having […]
So some people went to bars and stuff this weekend, but more importantly THIS FIELD NOTE HAS A PICTURE OF A REAL LIVE KITTEN. That’s all. (Oh yeah and be sure to send in any and all party testimonials, weird overseens, and sad date nights to, or use our anonymous tip form.) Pre-Kitten Listserv “Last […]
Tis the season to get wasted. This weekend students everywhere proceeded to down alcohol in copious amounts. Bwog would never endorse drinking irresponsibly, but we sure do love it when you do. Send in your stories to, or use our anonymous tip form. Bars “Bwog staff, Bwog video, and Bwog tech all united at […]
Valentine’s Day Weekend: when you go as hard as possible to prove to everyone else that you are completely happy and completely alone. This year was no exception. So read these Field Notes, and just be thankful that we don’t go to some school where the bars close at like, midnight. 1020 “1020 Valentine’s Night […]
The return from winter break marks that hallowed time when students actually go out at night instead of sleeping/doing homework/applying for jobs/[insert probably acceptable excuse here]. Let these notes from the field serve as your hazy memory of last night, (because Momma Bwog knows you don’t remember any of it.) Remember to send your stories to […]
And what a weekend it was. Before you run off for Thanksgiving, let’s give thanks to all the people who provided entertainment this weekend, in our weekly field notes. A toast to the Class of 2014 Bwog walked into Pourhouse (ugh) for the final Senior Night of the semester at 12:15 am Wednesday night with […]
Welcome back. As we sit under the fluorescent lighting of the library, we’re looking back on our weekend with bewilderment and fondness, and hopefully you are too. Here’s a glance at what Columbia got up to over the past few days—and our feature of the night, the 1020 raid of Fall 2013. Things seen and […]
In order to get you through the last few days before Fall Break, here’s our latest round of notes from the field; or, what you all were getting up to/complaining about/getting in trouble for this weekend. Read some quality drunk inspired tips and stories below, and be sure to tip your own Halloweekend happenings. Student […]
It’s Monday evening, which means that you’re looking back on the ghost that was your weekend with some hopefully fond memories, waiting for the next Thursday night to arrive. To help you out, we’ve gathered some field notes (or, if you prefer, notes from the field), a random collection of observations and occasional judgement from […]
This fine Monday, we want to remind you of the glory that was the weekend. We now present to you a new series: Field Notes, where we round up the drunk late night tips we received during the weekend. Be sure to send in what you’re seeing this upcoming weekend to, or use our […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025