The weirdest part: the “Social Experiment” is an official Res Life program. What’s all this, then? Leave your best guesses in the comments.
Today is a hard day. Time for those rosy-colored (or Colt 45-colored glasses, perhaps) to come off. Classes begin tomorrow, and now you can only get drunk two or three nights a week. Let’s remember NSOP 2010: A Whatever Odyssey together. We’ll see you in discussion section, fresh-people. We helped you configure your John Jay […]
’14ers out there may have realized that Bwog can be a valuable source of information about Columbia. However, even seasoned Columbians may not know some of this carefully checked, entirely reliable trivial knowledge. Great for parents weekend, when you want to steer away from the topic of grades and significant others. Columbia has its own […]
Morningside Heights likes to pretend that it is a college town. In recent years, that has been an increasingly difficult image to maintain: there’s about a bank per block between 110th and 116th Streets, and many independently owned stores have closed in the last few years to make room for big chains like Chipotle and […]
Your student council presidents would like to say hello and impart a few words of wisdom. Listen to them! Lara Avsar, SGA President Welcome (back) to Barnard! I hope you had a wonderful summer! Whether this is your first time on campus or the first week of your last year, get ready for a great […]
The Core, it has been said, is good for cocktail party chatter and not much else. You’ll be able to schmooze with people about Woolfe and iambic pentameter, yadda yadda. This post supplements the rather specific knowledge Columbia bestows on you (hey, no snark alert: we kind of love the Core) with some genuinely useless […]
We’ll say no more. Find below the Postcard From Morningside from the new issue of The Blue & White, out soon.
Tomorrow, there will be no more advice. So relish it today. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get out of the Foreign Language requirement! Deans don’t like to enlighten frosh on how it can be done, but The Blue and White cornered one administrator and he spilled the beans. Apparently, to […]
Due to the change in the Navigating Health Services theme, Bwog was briefly under the alarming impression that consent was no longer sexy. To our great relief we confirmed today that consent is, in fact, sexy. Still. And… exhale! Proving that the Health Services team is an upbeat, if maybe not particularly creative bunch, today’s […]
Upperclassmen, you’ve seen this one before. Peter Sterne, CC’14, writes from the Health Services Skit. NSOP is a strange time when normally impersonal and bureaucratic instruments of the administration try to humorously (and cornily) appeal to incoming, naïve freshmen. Every department does things differently: the Division of Student Affairs gives us Dean Shollenberger, who has […]
Class of 2014: among your many distinctive traits (you got 2400’s on your SATs! You got 2380 on your SATs!) you will also be the first Columbia class to see physical proof of our new campus, just a few blocks uptown in Manhattanville. You’ll hear a lot about Manhattanville in the next few weeks and […]
Each May, Bwog invites outgoing seniors—campus leaders, academic stars, and other Columbians eager to answer the question, “Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese?”—to reminisce, voice their petty grievances, and give their advice to incoming first-years. Here are our favorites: the funniest, the truest, and the most useful. The Academics A good title […]
The Columbia EcoReps are hosting their semi-annual “Reduce, Reuse, Save” Green sale starting today. That’s for you, fridge-less freshman! From noon to 4 pm in John Jay Lounge, the EcoReps will be peddling used dorm essentials– lamps, furniture, etc– for cheap. The sale will also continue from September 7-9 in Broadway Lounge from 3-7 PM […]
Zoe Camp, BC ’14, was on a boat last night. This year’s New York City Event started off with a heavy dose of déjà vu. 2014ers strolling—or in the case of the many high-heel-clad girls, clopping—onto the flight deck of the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum were greeted by a clapping, whooping sea of […]
Advice: Drinking Alcohol Edition Carman Hall’s unwritten pillars of social wisdom (Now, written!) Residents of Carman floors 1-5 are restricted from using Carman’s “slow-ass” elevators to descend. Exceptions may be granted for laundry purposes. If a resident plays music at a volume sufficient to penetrate Carman’s foot-wide cinder block walls, other residents must retaliate. A […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025