To celebrate of today’s student strike in support of Occupy Wall Street and the two month anniversary of the movement, students will be gathering on college walk at 11:30 am to rally and merry-make before the 2 pm march to Union Square for the city-wide student rally. The Facebook event page promises food, music, radical literature, thought […]
To celebrate the two month anniversary of OWS, protestors pledged to shut down the NYSE. While so far unsuccessful, police and protestors are already clashing outside the Exchange doors. (Gothamist, NYTimes) Protest is sure to be especially charged today, after a New York State Supreme Court justice ruled that those from OWS do not “have a First […]
After #OWS’ recent eviction from Zuccotti Park, many questions remain: Is this legal? What happens next? Is there “life after #Occupy?” Most importantly, why was Hipster Cop not in on the raid? (WSJ, NYT, Slate, Gothamist) As owners and players refuse to budge, and both sides prepare to take the issue to court, will the NBA […]
At 1 am this morning, hundreds of police officers raided the two-month-old Occupy Wall Street encampment in Zuccotti Park. Tune in here for a live stream of the events. And despite efforts to suppress media access to the park, Bwog and B&W alum Avi Zenilman was there. IvyGate blogger Wilfred Chan, CC ’13, met up with a few Columbians there as well. Bwog […]
The Business School joins a Common App-esque initiative, making it easier to get in. Maybe it wants to be an undergrad school for this Halloween? (Financial Times) Ever wonder in the midst of the OWS protests where on the scale of 1 to 100 you lie? Check out this interesting infographic showing a cross section […]
Are we in the midst of a world historic event or some such Hegelian nonsense? A crop of Columbia professors certainly seemed to think so at last night’s “Understanding #OCCUPYWALLSTREET” lecture. Catch up on one of the first attempts to academicize the young movement as brought to you by Bwog’s social/economic revolutions specialist, Sam Schipani. “I’ve […]
Students on campus have shared their positive reactions to President Obama’s proposed changes to student loan debt forgiveness. Others aren’t so happy. (NY1, The Atlantic) Protesters in Zuccotti Park have to adapt to deal with the dropping thermostat. But that doesn’t worry the organizers, who think that the cold, “will clean out the square’s riffraff and those […]
Today, Tunisians will be heading to the polls for the first time since the ousting of Ben Ali, marking the first official election of the Arab Spring. Still, officials are worried of widespread reports of corruption could mar the election’s legitimacy. (Guardian, NYT) Another day, another celebrity Occupies Wall Street. This time, it was Katy […]
Following the historic prisoner swap, Gilad Shalit’s sister was spotted donning a Columbia sweatshirt for the long-awaited reunion. (BBC, Haaretz) A Columbia study to be published later this month finds that driving under the influence of Marijuana doubles the chance of a car crash. Don’t drive while high, kids! (USA Today) Presidential hopeful Herman Cain […]
Soon the world’s population will hit 7 billion! (New Yorker) The new iPhone already ended at least one marriage. (HuffPo) Unexpectedly large numbers of Americans believe that marijuana should be legal. (NYMag) Dark matter is even more puzzling than we thought. (Wired) Young eyes needed washing after porn was posted on Sesame Street’s YouTube channel. […]
Exposed: Security analyst who went undercover to give the FBI inside info on OWS protests. (Gawker) Interrupted: Rupert Murdoch during a speech on education by protestors wanting to Occupy Sesame Street. (HuffPo) Evicted? The controversial Park51, Ground Zero community center unless it pays $1.7 million in back rent. (NY Post) Vented: The woes of this […]
Earlier this week we published the official petition signed by over 350 professors in support of Occupy Wall Street. At least some of those signees have already joined the demonstrations downtown. Tomorrow another professor, Jeffrey Sachs, will meet with students to discuss some of the issues protesters have raised such as unemployment, economic justice and […]
Bloomberg stopped by OWS yesterday evening to tell protesters that if they don’t tidy up the property on which they’re protesting, they will have to leave on friday so a cleaning crew can do the work for them. (DNAInfo) In other OWS news, our very own, clean-cut Jeffrey Sachs made a brief speech at the […]
This weekend, we published a preliminary petition declaring the support of Columbia and Barnard faculty for the Occupy Wall Street movement. The petition has been officially released today on behalf of the Faculty Action Committee with 328 over 350 signatures (and no repetitions this time), by Professor Paige West. You can read the full press […]
Slovenian Philosopher Slavoj Žižek taught “Radicalism 101“, in Zuccotti Park yesterday. (He’ll be at Columbia this Wednesday). Meanwhile, the protest has spread to 25 cities. (The Observer/CBS News) Barnard Political Science professor Sheri Berman writes a scathing review of a book about conservatism that claims the ideology is about subjugating society’s lowest. (NY Times) Giuliani is […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025