The Off-Campus Flex machine rolls on, having just proudly announced two new conquests. According to Student Services’s Honey Sue Fishman (Bwog favorite Michael Novielli has unfortunately left the administration for a job in China), Riteaid and Village Pourhouse will soon accept Flex. Riteaid, perhaps, holds out hope of stealing business from its better located, better […]
Another chain from south of the triple digits border is now accepting Flex: according to Student Services, the Whole Foods at 97th and Columbus will also be accepting Flex by the start of the fall, following close on the heels of CVS (yes, that’s a Chicago Whole Foods in the picture – blame Flickr). Now […]
Now that’s a rhyme. Really though, two items of interest to our Chosen friends have made it into the ol’ inbox (full disclosure: Bwog’s current editor is a Papist). First, the lost amongst you no longer have to rely on your wandering skills to find the nearest synagogue. Columbia students Ron Gejman and Jacob Andreas […]
A few days ago, we reported that the CVS on 96th Street and Amsterdam would be using Flex, partly at least because, according to Student Services, other neighborhood drugstores “have not responded to our invitations to join the program.” However, when Bwog checked in with Duane Reade’s manager, we learned that there may be hope […]
There’s now a drugstore option for your Flex points, but you’ll have to walk to 96th Street (aka “the ends of the Earth”) to use it. According to an email from Student Services’s Michael Novielli, the CVS at 96th and Amsterdam will be accepting Flex “by the end of July.” As for other, closer options, […]
Bwog has been alerted that Havana Central, bastion of all things edible and Cuban, will be accepting Flex starting in early June, which is great…if you plan to hang around a month after finals. At least summer sessioners and students returning next fall will be able to pretend that they are using a credit card. […]
Today, the wild world of off-campus Flex throws us another curveball: D’Agostino will accept your Flex dollars! D’Agostino, also known as that supermarket next to Westside on 110th and Broadway, will begin taking Flex in mid-May, conveninently enough when we’ll all be home, not using Flex.
The first good off-campus Flex news in a while: Wondee Siam V, the Thai restaurant right across the street from that other Thai restaurant on 108th and Amsterdam, is currently accepting Flex. This Flex development came “a few weeks earlier than planned” according to Michael Novelli, and is sure to delight all those who prefer […]
Opportunities to use your parents’ hard earned flex off campus are dropping like flies. The Flex-eating disease has spread quickly, completely annihilating some, while putting others into a temporary or sporadic coma. But somewhere out there, far away from the carnage close to campus, courage can be found. The recurring flex mishaps didn’t stop Wondee […]
An Intrepid Bwog agent just discovered this sign outside of Campo: Not sure where Campo is quoting Flex from, but mark your calendars, anyway. It may not be coming on campus, but this is the next best thing.
Say goodbye to off-campus Flex at two of its previous locations: Samad’s Gourmet, and the dubiously sanitary Amir’s. Oh and one other thing: It’s not them, it’s you. According to Michael Novielli of Student Auxiliary and Business Services (heretofore known as SABS), “neither establishment had the volume of Flex business it had hoped for.”
Old themes came back to haunt us this week. More of this, a little of that. About ROTC: New posters arrived. Professors supported ROTC on campus; professors explained their support; professors opposed ROTC on campus. Plus, a forum! About Flex: Bwog was pumped, we could charge our parents for Hungarian. Oh no wait, we can […]
Exciting good news! According to a University Senator, the Hungarian Pastry Shop Sip has signed up to accept your Flex points. Things should be up and running by the end of the term. Let’s all go here for next year’s “Study Day” and drink 24 hours worth of espresso. UPDATE 11:35 AM: Sip was mistakenly […]
True fact: Sarah Palin doesn’t eat babies. Cars don’t run into you in Riverside Park. The stock market crashed! Now what? Fight Club was released nine years ago. Don’t you feel really old? Like, over nine years old? Columbia wants to demolish and rebuild in every direction! Watch out Lincoln Center. Columbia students may not […]
Exciting news concerning your Milano Market! Starting this Thursday, it will start accepting Flex Points. According to a Milano cashier, the “exchange rate” will be 1:1 and all products will be Flex-friendly.
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025