Greetings from NSOP! We’ll have some gossip, pictures, and notes in a later post, but for now we wanted to alert you that Oren’s is giving free small iced or hot coffees with Columbia/Barnard ID. Go claim one. You deserve it. (Bwog’s already had 4.) Typo or pun?
For many, today is another day within the eye of the storm. For those with random makeup exams and the half of the freshman class in FroSci, console yourself as you lie in bed with the fact that you’ll be one exam closer to freedom. As always, email about your strange neighbor in Butler […]
Most Columbia students face a familiar quandary during their late night study sessions, or before heading to class in a particularly dark and cozy room. You know you need caffeine, but what kind? Is it worth leaving a prime location in Butler to venture into the wilds of Moringside for a cup of Starbucks or […]
A bougie, white, early 30s, peacoat-wearing couple enters Oren’s. Man: We would like to buy coffee beans. Oren’s barista: Okay, let me show your over here. M: Before you start, I just wanted to make sure that it was fair trade. OB: Well no, it’s actually better than fair trade. M: What? OB: It’s actually […]
Compared to last week’s serious upheavals in Boringside, the latest dispatches from the ‘hood are somewhat less traumatizing. However, please do not underestimate the significance of these minute changes. Last but not least, Absolute Bagels, in typical Boringside style, raised their cream cheese prices by 30 cents to $2.25.
Things spotted by Bwog this week that were less dull, and more sparkly, in all sorts of ways: The bookstore is now totally stocked for holiday shopping…but more importantly there are hats with rhinestones! Thank god for Collegiate Fashionista! Holiday lights at Westside New light outside Greenborough New signs at Ferris Booth proclaim the glory […]
Ladies and gentlemen, the future is here. Oren’s Daily Roast, the coffee shop that is so much better than Starbucks, I mean why would you ever drink Starbucks, has entered the modern age. Instead of their old stamp cards, they now have plastic swipe cards. Behold. Behold the bi-chromatic design, the name stamped boldly across […]
Everyone is getting into the news roundup business these days, and Oren’s is merely the latest to hop on the bandwagon. Whilst searching for a thirst-quenching, heart-stimulating, ice-laden beverage, one Bwogger came across the small coffee chain’s attempt to compete with Google News: Referring to three recent events, the sign would be unremarkable were it […]
The perennially generous Oren’s Daily Roast does it again! Or rather, will do it again, in about an hour. Between 4:00 and 7:00, pick up a free 12-ounce coffee at Morningside Heights’ favorite alternative to Starbucks (besides the Hungarian Pastry Shop and every single on-campus establishment that accepts Flex). Oren’s is calling it a “tax […]
In which Bwog correspondent CML alights from the stygian sauna that is Woodbridge Residence Hall to nestle himself between the facade of Cardomat and the awning of Oren’s Daily Roast, to document a picaresque evening of rare chess camaraderie. When you think of chess, you think of bearded Slavs with vodka on their breath, sterile […]
Looks like the baristas over at Oren’s Daily Roast are getting hard up for tips. Bwog is generally skeptical of those who exploit cute animals for monetary gain, but is willing to give them points for originality.
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March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
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