If you throw a bad party after reading this article, that one’s on you.
Being that spooky and sexy are positively correlated, things only heated up this weekend as we approach our favorite holiday of the year. While we weren’t exactly down to drown our books in the Hudson and livers in 1020, we get closer with every passing week… Body Spent a significant amount of money at Comic Con […]
President Obama is (perhaps) partying it up in Havana today. It’s the first time since 1928 that a sitting American President has visited the nation. Despite cordial rhetoric, “disruptive elements” within the nation have been detained or dispersed before the President’s visit. (NYT) The party might be over in Brazil in short order. Their Congress’ lower […]
Obviously, Bwog loves a good drama, a good party, and Columbia University. Drama@CU, the student produced reality show, has managed to capture all of these things in their newest episode, “The Party.” Watch. Laugh. Follow the drama on Twitter.
We received this video of a party in the John Jay laundry room from freshman Matteo Leibowitz. Let’s just say that this is the most awkward party we’ve ever seen (certainly not on the Grisham level)—you really have to see it for yourself: We originally thought it was another propaganda video from CCSC, but that […]
You know how bored you get trying to read a textbook? So you check Facebook, tweet about checking Facebook, then check Bwog to see if it posted a feature on funny student tweets about Facebook? And then finally, you return to the textbook dejectedly, and stare blankly at its pages wondering, “How did anybody even write […]
Tonight, Lerner Party Space will hold its second drag-themed dance of the year (so far), the Fantasy Ball! The Fantasy Ball is part of IvyQ 2011, a conference for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and allied students from across the Ivy League hosted by Columbia this weekend. IvyQ includes lots of interesting conferences and seminars on […]
Bwog contributor Claire Sabel wandered into the Met Wednesday night. Last night the College Group at the Met hosted a Gatsby-themed party, “West Egg on the East Side,” to celebrate the opening of the American Wing. Organized by twenty-five student volunteers, the affair threw open the eastern section of the museum to college students in […]
Glass House Rocks, the one event of the year during which all the diagonal walkways in Lerner have a purpose, starts in three hours. The theme is “time machine.” Make sure to go over and take advantage of the oodles of free food and t-shirts. While you’re waiting, check out this dance battle video from […]
The cotton candy line is long out here on South Lawn, but CUMB is here with their inflatable penis, there’s a bigger inflatable thing that you can actually bounce around in–and the music’s just getting rolling (now featuring Bwog’s own Tony Gong!). Swing by CCSC’s Homecoming Carnival on your way to whatever.
An insider at ResLife just sent Bwog a very helpful tip provided on the condition of anonymity—”I don’t want to lose my bulletin board decorating privileges,” explained the source. “RA Winter Recharge training starts at 5 PM today [Wednesday]. From now through Sunday, ALL RAs, CPAs, and, this is key, RESLIFE STAFF, will be in […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025