Postcrypt Coffeehouse hosted its second performance of the 2022-2023 academic year last Friday, September 30. Deputy Arts Editor Marino Bubba reviews.
Though the Students of AMF and Postcrypt blackboards outside Butler will be there until April 29th, we decided to share with you some of our favorites from today. Today’s “Before I Die” awards go to… Most Practical: “Pay off student loans” Most Anti-PETA: “Eat a penguin” Most Game of Thrones: “Be Lord of Winterfell” Most Politically-Conscious: “See real democracy in Egypt” […]
Clio Maudlin, connoisseur of fine arts and supporter of using 4 in place of “for,” has an announcement to make about a good cause, so listen(read?) up! This month, Postcrypt will be hosting a public event at St. Anthony’s Hall that will not only be an exciting opportunity for art creators and enthusiasts, but will also […]
Just thinking about all of the cultural activities around campus and in the city makes Bwog swoon, so we’d like to share what we’ve found with you. Arts Editor Kyra Bloom delivers the scoop on your talented peers and discounted tickets. Send your event to On Campus: CUPAL’s Special Project this semester is a combination […]
UPDATE: The Dino BBQ is all gone, but there will still be free food! Starting at 6:30 pm at the Vam Am quad, Postcrypt will be giving away free pizza! Seize the rare opportunity this afternoon to experience Postcrypt above ground! From 3 to 9 pm today on Van Am Quad, enjoy music, Dinosaur BBQ, […]
Today marks the start of Symposium: A Weeklong Music Festival. Or, as we like to refer to it, Symposium: A Weeklong Concert with Tons of Free Food—we hope it catches on. A joint effort between Live at Lerner, Bacchanal, and Postcrypt Coffeehouse, the Symposium will feature concerts in Lerner Piano Lounge with fully catered free […]
Last night, in the basement of St. Paul’s Chapel, Postcrypt Art Gallery held an exhibition simply titled ABACUS. It was curated by Ema O’Connor, CC ’14, and featured artists Kaela Chambers and Leah Wolff examining how scientific knowledge and imagination develop through life. Avid Art Historian Conor Skelding walked downstairs. Gallery goers came and went, and the population […]
There is currently a veritable feast of free treats in the Wien lounge for the Postcrypt Coffeehouse Folktober Fest Open Mic going on tonight from 7pm to 10 pm. Among the snacks are apple pie, pumpkin pie, and 4local’s banana cupcakes with nutella frosting. Grand old time via wikimedia.
Show your appreciation of your friends’ fancy cameras in real life! Postcrypt Art Gallery (in the basement of St. Paul’s chapel) is celebrating the opening of their first show of the year, “Summer Photography,” at 7:30 this evening. It may not be Chelsea, but they do have snacks and beverages. The thing runs until 10, […]
Hello, Bwog reader. Welcome to Where Art Thou?, Bwog’s Wednesday feature that tells you about all the super fun artsy things you can do in the Morningside Heights area and beyond. Do not let this week’s list of events fool you—Columbia is quite the hip, artsy community. Just not so much this weekend. Does your […]
Sometimes, the email (with a few friendly edits) pretty much says it all: Folksters young and old, fat and slim, tall and short, hobos and tramps, musically inclined and tone deaf alike!!!!!!! FOLK FEST IS TODAY from 4-9 pm!!! Come to Wien Courtyard to hear TEN freakin’ mind-blowing performances by some of our very most […]
Ever the underdog, Postcrypt seems to bear the brunt of the War on Fun. It all started with an anonymous Bwog comment alleging the coffeehouse was serving alcohol to minors. Then came an emergency meeting with the administration, and $400 mandated alcohol proctors, who made it financially impossible for Postcrypt to keep serving drinks. Soon […]
New York schools are increasingly suspending students for even minor rule violations. Just ask Postcrypt. (NYT, Spec) Columbia econ celeb, Joseph Stiglitz, criticizes Obama’s economic policies while talking to media at Davos. Why does that sound so familiar? (Bloomberg) Criminal Sexting! Barnard TA, Igor Sorkin (of no relation to Aaron), was charged with texting naked pictures to a […]
"It just seems kind of arbitrary the way everything has happened."
Postcrypt Artsfest 2010 begins now in the Van Am Quad and ends with an open mic at 11 p.m. Live music will be performed all day. Stop by for free FeelGood grilled cheeses and an art sale! Rumor has it that there is also a catharsis tent. Come support Columbia’s undergraduate artists!
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
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