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Posts Tagged with "mcbain hate crime"

Some Columbia related news passed in the month of August.  We rounded it up for you: Aditya Mukerjee, CC ’12 and the former publisher of Spec, was detained at the airport after setting off an alarm because he had bedbug spray residue on his hands. “You’ve got to understand, when someone of your background, traveling […]

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A group of seniors, including at least two football players, were overheard around 4 pm today in the line for commencement tickets in Lerner making light of the situation involving the football team, according to an anonymous tipster. She was listening to the group standing next to her in line, and after about 20 minutes […]

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In a continuing stream of released statements today, we get one from student group AAA (Asian American Alliance, not the place you call when your car breaks down), with support from a huge number of student groups. Below is their statement: According to several news sources, an alleged hate crime occurred on Columbia University’s campus […]

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Two days ago, NBC reported that Chad Washington, CC ’15, was charged aggravated harassment as a hate crime against an Asian student, and that he was other football players who have yet to be charged. Yesterday, WKCR Sports compiled an album of racist, homophobic, and sexist tweets by various football players. Yesterday night was WKCR […]

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Update: Athletic Director M. Dianne Murphy and Coach Pete Mangurian have released their own statement; their letter is after the jump. Update #2: Aaaand another one, from OMA. Also after the jump. Deans Valentini, Goldfarb, Awn, and Director of Athletics M. Dianne Murphy have just released a statement to the Columbia community on the recent hate […]

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In light of yesterday’s news that sophomore Chad Washington was charged with a hate crime and the allegations that more people were involved in the incident, many were intrigued by the CU Football team’s impressively unprotected Twitter accounts. An hour ago, WKCR Sports tweeted a link to an Imgur album with a good number of […]

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Chad Washington, CC ’15 and football defensive lineman, has been charged with a hate crime.  According to NBC, he allegedly threatened, followed, and physically harassed an Asian student on Saturday night. A Public Safety office witnessed what happened, but ignored it because “he thought it was a group horsing around.” Washington “faces a felony charge of aggravated […]

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