Got back to campus to find my apartment flooded… as a transfer student, I came here to live a life of the mind, not a life in the mold.
What’s more “Working for the Knife” than an all-nighter in Butler?
The rumors are true: UNI Café is shut down. When attempting to get our daily udon soup and large sugar cookie, Bwog was confronted with dark windows, an eviction notice, and hopeless despair. To remember our most honored Columbia hangout, UNI enthusiast Josh Dillon composed this heartbreaking eulogy. Note: this is best read with tissues and […]
You’re miserable. We’re miserable. The guy who’ll have to kick us all out of 210 from 7 to 8 am is preemptively miserable on behalf of everyone involved. As per tradition, we took this dark and dreary night as an opportunity to traipse through Butler and photograph the anguish. Send your own photos of the […]
We’ve got some (potentially) sad news, folks. Hawkma’s reign over freshmen, upperclassmen, and faculty alike may have come to an end in the wee hours of the night. Though we can’t say for sure whether this is merely a Hawkmimposter, the slain bird does seem to resemble our robust, bloodthirsty friend. Tipster Ze’ev Gebler sent in […]
The city elections wrapped up with a surprisingly small winning margin for Mike Bloomberg. Democrats took pretty much everything else in the city, while Republicans snagged two gubernatorial seats nationwide. (NY Times) Around 5:30AM yesterday a now identified NYU junior jumped to his death in Bobst Library. The library was reopened and tours resumed around […]
If you’re still in the neighborhood, you have approximate five hours to say goodbye to Morningside Books, which closes tonight at midnight. The New York Times spent some time at the store recently, and yesterday detailed both the store’s lively final days, and its financial struggles, along with a slideshow. Many neighborhood residents talked about […]
In our last post before we switch to summer mode (more on that tomorrow), we present the Senior Wisdom of our graduating Bwog staff (sniff). Finally providing their own answers are former daily editors Anna Corke, John Klopfer, David Iscoe, and Sara Vogel, and editors emerita Katie Reedy and Lydia DePillis. We’ll miss you. Claims […]
A sign posted in the window of Morningside Books this morning informs many a sad, staring pedestrian that their beloved local bookstore will be closing in June. As in, next month. If you take the time to read the announcement sign in the window, it will tear your heart out. There is no way to […]
Bwog Expert on all things cold and creamy Jon Hill discovered that a Mr. Softee truck has broken down right outside the Broadway gates on 116th. Unconfirmed reports are that the engine seized after absorbing the collective sad nostalgia of studying students who had flashbacks to childhood upon hearing the jingle. Let’s all pray the […]
-Via Graduates + Job Market = Sadness Morningside Heights – La Negrita = Awfulness The Books / Poor Publicity = Confusion and Regret Dartmouth * Not Losing = Depression
You mean there’s someone else screwing over West Harlem too? PrezBo fears for his life, sucks his thumb at night. Barnard has no money or teachers, but SIPA goes on carving? Columbia accepts corporate sponsorship, billboards will go up on low steps.
-Photo via How bad is the economy? Even the coffee lackeys are going to be out of work. For the 2009 internship season, companies are hiring almost 21 percent fewer interns. In a double shaft to college students everywhere, the number of applicants for these positions has increased by around the same percentage. That […]
Photo Via the New York Times Although Core-crunched Columbians may not realize it, collegiate study of the humanities has suffered through an acute downturn, with fewer and fewer undergrads opting for degrees in the liberal arts. In a recent Times article, Professor Andrew Delbanco, who has had a lot to say about education as […]
– Photo by LDP It seems that Nussbaum will not be accepting your CUID as payment for breakfast this morning, so best go start looking for that 5-spot in your other jeans. According to the nice people behind the counter, this was not an act of Flex-deserting a la everywhere else, but a simple case […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025