This year’s convocation will move from South Lawn to Low Plaza, according to a statement released by CU Facilities’ Dan Held. This means you’ll get to play frisbee on the pristine lawns for an extra six to eight weeks. It’s almost like they listen to us. Here’s the statement: Columbia University Convocation 2014, scheduled for Monday, August […]
Just when you thought the lawns were yours… Facilities is apparently covering South Field with mats of “hard, flexible plastic” that are more durable than a standard tarp. Bwog speculates that they may be attempts at damage control for Bacchanal which, due to Columbia being Columbia, has been moved to South Field.
The tarp is being peeled off the middle lawn! The grass looks green, lovely and artificial. Long time no see, pal.
Bwog’s Seasonal Transition Team has been awaiting this moment for weeks, and the day has finally come. The South Lawn is beginning to show signs of life, emerging as we speak from her long hibernation. More pictures of the disrobing after the jump.
Tonight marked the 3rd Annual Pillow Fight/Primal Scream. Not that we needed to tell you that; anyone who wasn’t getting a good night’s rest before a final (ha!) or listening to very loud music probably just heard about 25 straight minutes of screaming emanating from South Lawn. The be-pillowed masses started to gather at […]
About 90% of Columbia students are outdoors right now, so the unsheathing of the glorious, emerald South Lawn is news only for a cloistered few. More lawn porn after the jump.
And a top of the Monday to you, Bwogophiles. We begin today’s headcount with a pictorial update on one of Fair Alma’s proudest and most rankling traditions: making sure South Lawn is closed all the time, no matter what, virtually year-round. Indeed, nothing says “long, depressing winter” quite like the antiseptic layer of tarp that carpets […]
Continuing today’s snow sculpture-related coverage, and apropos to tonight’s J-School lecture on regime change, one of the once proudly (or panoptically!) upstanding snowmen on South Lawn appears to have capitulated, inspiring Bwog to cite Shelley’s “Ozymandias” and post this apt juxtaposition: Meanwhile, this find on Hamilton Lawn indicates it may not have been quite the bloodless coup: […]
This time, the critics were right. We tried reporting on the Blight demonstration on South Lawn at noon today, which was a protest of Columbia’s lack of transparency in the expansion process and the potential use of eminent doman to obtain the last few properties in Manhattanville that Columbia needs to build its new satellite […]
Steven Thomas stopped by today’s anti-Manhattanville rally, at which South Lawn was declared a blighted zone, and passed on this report: A woman declaring herself to be a long-time resident across the street from Columbia stepped up to the microphone, declaring, “What Columbia isn’t telling you is that they are going to build a Level […]
Two Bwoggers sent in this photo of the mysterious (and large) SOS in the South Lawn snow, taken earlier today from the 7th floor of Hamilton. What could have possibly caused someone to create the massive distress signal? Could it have been due to some late-night shipwreck, leaving the castaways no option but to carve […]
Good gracious! Passersby South Lawn a few hours ago were treated to the sight of Columbia’s fine wrestling team thundering down the turf in a series of grueling sprints. One tipster was particularly piqued by the presence of sophomore Sal Tirico–sorry honey, he’s taken. All the same, Bwog fully endorses the practice of half-clothed athletic […]
Bwog reader John Shekitka reports there is an abundance of fireflies (or lightning bugs) darting around on South Lawn. Go catch some while a humid twilight descends.
What’s the point, exactly, of throwing a Coney Island-themed party on South lawn, complete with burgers, ice cream, a bounce house, a mini-lighthouse, and singing dogs? One eyewitness characterized it as a “fundraiser thingy,” but couldn’t figure out what the event this afternoon was trying to raise money for. Maybe just an acknowledgement that most […]
Class day has transformed the South Lawn into some kind of mass graduation arena! Just in case you’re not in Morningside Heights this week, see what your campus has become… Bring an umbrella and look for wet powder-blue robes. Forecast calls for intermittent showers tomorrow. And even if it […]
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