We’ve been spotting mysterious “Fuck Spec” flyers around campus. We kind of wish it was us, but it’s not. We sent Staff Write Abby Rubel to investigate. Approximately eight days ago, a flyer appeared in the Hartley lobby promoting a new website: fuckspec.com. I immediately investigated, because nothing excites a Bwog writer more than someone […]
This past summer, the Columbia Daily Spectator was forced out of its old office space on Broadway between 11th and 112th Street. The publication has not yet found a permanent new home, but for the time being its staff has taken over a few rooms in Riverside Church. Whether or not this move uptown is part […]
The Columbia Daily Spectator, Columbia and Barnard’s lovable weekly “daily newspaper” and perpetual op-ed machine, is to shortly move out from their old building at 2875 Broadway, which was located between 111th and 112th—conveniently adjacent to the Heights. According to an email sent earlier this evening to Spectator alumni, which is appended below, “the landlord has asked the […]
This piece from the Orientation issue of the Blue and White, written by Emma Bogler CC ’17, explains and explores the disappearance of the Columbia Daily Spectator’s City News Section and what this means for the paper and the student body as a whole in relation to the greater city. There’s this old joke about American journalism and its […]
Lili Brown spoke with our friends over at Spectator to better understand their Managing Board’s restructuring. Yesterday, Spectrum released Spectator’s new Managing Board, and some clear structural changes have been made to a long-standing newspaper and tradition on Columbia’s campus. This will be Spectator’s first year without the formal title of “Editor-in-Chief” heading its Managing […]
Our next wise senior is Finn Vigeland, COÖPer and former managing editor of Spec, who writes about vulnerability, transit, and the roof of Low. Name, Hometown, School, Major: Finn Vigeland, Tuckahoe, NY, Columbia College, Urban Studies Claim to fame: Speccie, tour guide, COÖPer, cruciverbalist. Where are you going? First, to Brazil and Colombia to chill with […]
Even though we’re barely into winter break, Columbia stuff has happened on the World Wide Web. So. About a week ago, it looked like Spectator‘s opinion page was handed the same Twitter treatment as we did earlier this month. (If you haven’t yet explored @BwogTheater, you should.) Spec got @CUSpecOpEds, which cut across political lines to […]
Typically in listserv fuck-up posts, we remind you to never ever hit “reply all.” This time, however, we have a cautionary tale of checking the “send” line so you don’t reveal your egotistical jackass-ery to the full listserv and end up offending someone. Spec’s Publisher sent an email tonight that was supposed to go to […]
Tonight’s personals feature Andrea Garcia-Vargas and Julia Wu. If either lady strikes your fancy, email personals@bwog.com for your ticket to love. Name, Year, School, Major: Andrea García-Vargas, 2013, Columbia College, English and Creative Writing Preference: Girl for guys most of the time, once in a while girl for girls with short hair, and a quirky, […]
This coming Saturday, The Spectator, The Blue & White, and the InterPublications Association are teaming up to bring you the first Columbia Media Conference. The Conference is a day-long (from about noon until 5pm) series of panels focusing on the media industry, and will feature over 20 speakers from both the business and content sides of […]
Earlier this morning, our august print newspaper, the Columbia Daily Spectator, announced that they have put a limited number of their archives online. Until today, Spec’s archives have been read by a very small number of people—smaller, even, than the number of people who read contemporary editions. Why? Spec’s archives have only been available in […]
As reported a few days ago, the College Republicans have been considering bringing Jim Gilchrist, co-founder and president of the Minuteman Project—a controversial group aiming to stop illegal immigration—back to speak at Columbia. For those of you who don’t remember Gilchrist’s last visit to campus in October 2006, violence broke out between a group of protestors […]
While calls for public course evaluations have been swirling around since at least January, members of the University Senate’s Student Affairs Committee are looking to finalize a resolution to present to the floor, according to Spec. A subcommittee will release a report assessing the current systems already in place at Columbia and other schools. Among the […]
Sometimes, fresh-people, in a seminar, or at a party, someone will reference something that used to exist and doesn’t anymore, and you will have to nod your head or laugh knowingly. Ah yes, Morningside is like, so gentrified, you will say. We asked alumni of The Blue and White and Bwog for places, events, and […]
The J-School steals a mixed-media mastermind away from The Guardian. (Wired) Want to be an eminent domain holdout? The Times lists places you might consider moving to. Gentrification is upon us! (and guilty liberals complain). (Spec) The L Hostel in Harlem was shut down by the city. (Gothamist) photo via flickr/paraflyer
Alleged Columbia Senate Proposal Calls For Mask Ban
January 28, 2025Alleged Columbia Senate Proposal Calls For Mask Ban
January 27, 2025Alleged Columbia Senate Proposal Calls For Mask Ban
January 27, 2025Alleged Columbia Senate Proposal Calls For Mask Ban
January 27, 2025