Spunky young GSSC Bureau Chief Zoe Sottile brings you the latest and greatest from General Studies Student Council. As always, GSSC meets at 8:15 pm on Tuesday nights in the Satow Room. This was the last GSSC General Body of the year! Lots of updates, lots of co-sponsorship requests, so little time. And, as usual, […]
We’re back with our weekly ESC coverage! WikiCU is making a comeback, and despite what VP Communications Julia Joern said in meeting, we would like to state that it wasn’t Bwog’s fault that it’s been inactive–we just no longer had access to it due to a former tech guy not passing along the admin login. […]
Monday mornings bring CCSC swarming—over issues of transparency, accountability, and passionate quotes. CCSC Bureau Chief Nadra Rahman reports. In last night’s meeting of the Columbia College Student Council (CCSC): deliberations over Joint Council Co-Sponsorships and Grant Opportunities (JCCC) funding, spontaneous and spirited debates over transparency, and the unyielding force of VP Finance Anuj Sharma. To […]
Food insecurity became a big issue on campus back in 2015, but its prominence on the activism scene has since diminished–Senior Staff Writer Ross Chapman checked in on the progress of various student groups that have been working to combat hunger within the student body. 2015 was a year of hope for food insecurity on […]
CCSC, ESC, and University Senator results are out. We’ll skip the fluff – here’s your new student council! Some big positions are listed here, and every position’s full election results are at the bottom of the post. CCSC Executive Board: President: Nicole Allicock (1U Party) VP of Policy: Abby Porter (1U Party) VP of Finance: Anuj Sharma (1U Party) VP of Communications: Josh […]
The polls for CCSC and ESC officially opened today at 10 am. Be an active member in your college’s community and select who you think would best represent your class and school. Voting is online through LionLink, but do not sleep on this. Polls will only remain open until Wednesday, April 6th at 5:00PM. And remember, […]
Despite the erratic progression of this year’s student council elections process, Bwog believes we have finally reached a time of peace. In this calm before tomorrow’s 10AM election storm, we would like to take the time to endorse both Jay Rappaport, CC ’18, and Josh Schenk, CC ’19, for the two open Columbia College University Senator positions. After many discussions with […]
Earlier tonight, Bwog was tipped about various members of CCSC, ESC, and GSSC voicing concerns about the Columbia Political Union’s newfound influence over the upcoming student council election process. The Columbia Elections Board (CEB), which was founded in 2013 “to conduct and publicize student council elections on campus,” is currently made up of four students, according to the CCSC […]
Josh Schenk, President of the Columbia College class of 2019, has already made a name for himself on campus after securing air conditioning in most undergraduate residence hall lounges. Now that Schenk is nearing the end of his term, Bwogger Sasha Mutchnik sat down with the prez to hear his reflections and his plans for […]
Last Tuesday night, the Columbia College Student Council held a closed meeting to appoint a new representative, and the opening was not announced via a class-wide e-mail. Bwog looked into this incident and the reasons behind it earlier this week. If you’d like to know more about the appointment process, the details are discussed here. This Friday, […]
Elections for CC and SEAS first-year class councils, CCSC Inclusion and Equity Representative, and CCSC Class of 2018 Representative took place earlier this week, and the winners have been announced. See the official fall 2015 election results in handy PDF form below. Congratulations to the winners! 2019 CCSC President & Vice President Josh Schenk and […]
The Spectator reported on a proposal sent to the Undergraduate Student Councils this morning. ESC has just released an official response approving the proposal and funding a subsidy to help with the costs of opening the lawns and hiring safety personnel. The full text of the ESC proposal is included below. Post will be updated […]
Ben Kornick’s spot as CCSC 2016 representative was up for the grabs Sunday night, when Daphne Chen announced Kornick’s resignation from his position for “personal reasons.” CCSC just released a statement announcing that the elections to fill the vacancy will be direct, and that interested candidates can register here. A major issue in the recent deliberations between […]
Caitlin Lynch writes from the year’s first SGA meeting. The first SGA meeting of the year began, as these things do, with logistics: Bryn Mawr will host seven Sisters Conference this year, details on sign-up to come; Student Activities Fair is this Friday from 12–3 on Lehman Lawn, over 50 clubs will be represented. More logistics! The […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025