While sipping on apple cider in Professor Nancy Workman’s office, Bwogger Donna Qi engaged in a symposium with her professor on all things LitHum!
Monday man Joe Milholland reports on another encounter—more a skirmish than a battle—in the never-ending War on Fun, in addition to delivering a few updates on academic policy. CCSC never fails to delight us! “This thing makes me sadder than almost anything else,” said Deantini at Sunday night’s Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) meeting, referring to […]
Saturday night, the Columbia Bach Society put on a performance of Henry Purcell’s opera Dido and Aeneas. Bwog sent our trusty opera extraordinaire Alexandra Svokos to check out the show and report. We all know this Alexandra can’t say no to a good opera. Space at Columbia is likely the performing art community’s greatest challenge. […]
Update, 8:30 pm Parida sends us this follow-up message to you, dear readers, to clarify your questions/concerns/finals-induced-rants: “Hey guys this was a joke. I turned it in and then turned in a real assignment afterwards. Good luck on your finals. Don’t do what you thought I did. That would be bad.” Parida, CC ’15, submitted four […]
It’s almost expected for students to forgo class every now and then, for any number of illegitimate reasons. Professors may even be more deserving of the occasional free pass, especially for work-related absences. However, there must be some kind of limit on how many days a professor can take off, especially in an integral core […]
Lucy Sun, CC ’11, majored in economics and consults for Cognizant Technology Solutions. Lucy Sun is also “book therapist,” something she made up. Said Sun in an email to Gawker, “Think of ‘book therapy’ as a mash-up between traditional therapy and the wise souls at your local bookstore.” Sun will choose a book with you, read it with […]
We know the beginning of the year is rough. And if you’re a first- or second-year CC student (or a dreadfully unlucky SEAS senior), you’re most likely wishing you didn’t have to read that giant classic tome you were just assigned to finish by tomorrow. Can’t it just be summer again so you can binge watch […]
From our friends over at THE CORE: CORE TECH GENIUS: DO YOU WANT TO MAKE $18 AN HOUR and be the CORE TECH GENIUS? What you’ll do: work with chair of Literature Humanities (Christia Mercer), the CCIT (Columbia College Information Technology) geniuses, and other students to help develop the Columbia’s Core website. You work 2-4 […]
Last Wednesday, Bwog got the chance to sit down with Deantini to talk about the McKinsey report, financial aid, admissions policy, and a bunch of other things College-related. McKinsey Report: We first asked Deantini how he felt about Spec’s publishing of an executive summary of the McKinsey report. To our surprise, he said he was […]
According to an email sent out by Dean Awn, General Studies is undergoing changes to its Core Curriculum in order to “bring about closer alignment between the GS Core and the Columbia College Core.” These changes include the adoption of Literature Humanities, Contemporary Civilizations, and the Global Core. The changes go into effect for students […]
In “Significant Other,” Conor Skelding examines the Core at the University of Chicago and how it compares to our own. Look for this and more in the April issue of The Blue & White, on campus this week. The Core Curriculum is the defining feature of Columbia College’s intellectual identity. Undergraduates who chose Columbia specifically for its […]
It seems like just yesterday that Bwog was announcing the launch of the Core Scholars program, in which overachievers like us submit creative works inspired by Core texts to win fame and glory. Well, as some core author might have said, time flies when you’re having fun. Ladies and gentlemen, your winners: 2012 CORE SCHOLARS […]
Well, this is embarassing. A North Korean long-range rocket launched this morning broke up after launch, raising many eyebrows and more than a few guffaws. (CNN) Core references in real life! Well, in a movie at least. (New Yorker) Not so fast, international censorship laws. (AKAScope) NASA might have found life on Mars! In 1976… […]
Lit Hum: Read The Iliad, or at least see it condensed into a one-man play. (Backstage) CC: Do not burn the Koran. Ever. (Bloomberg, Reuters, Washington Post, Daily Mail, CNN, NYT) FroSci: Comment intelligibly on a supermassive black hole. And no, not the Muse song. (The Register) PE: Go whitewater rafting to spy on people, then crack […]
Today, a few intrepid Columbia students unsatisfied by ethnically ambiguous dining hall offerings ventured into Hamilton 702 with open minds and empty stomachs for the supposed first lecture of a course entitled “Masterpieces of Western Food.” While immediately put off by the alarming lack of snacks, this audacious reporter stuck it out, for reasons of journalistic […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
March 19, 2025Department of Homeland Security In Columbia Residences, Armstrong Emails Community
March 14, 2025