A new Columbia Dining food truck will open in Wien Courtyard on September 5.
Did you know it used to be named Johnson Hall?
Wien Hall! Along with being the low-hanging fruit of dorm puns, it’s the dorm that has singles… with sinks. Need I say more?
Housing is coming up, and no, you can’t just avoid thinking about it like you’re avoiding thinking about your Lit Hum paper, Econ problem set, 1004 homework, French presentation…check out what Wien Hall has to offer, and check back tomorrow for another housing review. Location: 411 W. 116th Street Nearby dorms: East Campus Nearby food: […]
Senior Staff Writer and hobbyist hermit Anna Hotter spends 48 hours inside her Wien single. Against all odds, she lives to tell you about it. Last weekend I got pretty sick. I couldn’t talk, move, eat, or do any of my reading, of course. But because I live in a Wien single, aka Prezbo’s walk-in closet, […]
Housing approacheth. And, unless you’re on top of it, it’s probably coming up sooner than you think. Bwog’s got you covered; we’ll be rolling out two housing reviews per day until no residence hall is left un-reviewed. Prepare to get (even more) excited: this year, we’re reviewing Barnard residence halls, too. Reviews for all! Today’s […]
Update: As of 11:56 pm, power is back. At 8:54 pm tonight, Bwog received a tip that the power in Wien had gone out. Skeptical, Bwog checked out of our 18th story EC window to see most lights in Wien on, indicating that the tipster was in error. Around 9:30, we received confirmation from the […]
Location: 411 W. 116th Street. Nearby dorms: East Campus Stores and restaurants: It’s a bit desolate over on 116th and Amsterdam. HamDel, food cart, Camille’s (if you’re brave) Cost: $7,340 (Same as McBain, Schapiro, Furnald, and Broadway) Amenities: Noteworthy: You get a sink in your room. A sink! In your room! Bathrooms: Amazing! Normal floor bathrooms, recently renovated. AC/Heating: […]
Tonight’s Valentine’s Day Mixer, hosted by CU Admirers, actually advertises itself as “Wien’s first party,” so that’s not us trying to be funny. We’re just reporting the facts, and the apparent free cupcakes, cookies, and other sweet pink-and-red festooned foods that will be available tonight—along with a shot at true love, if the impassioned event […]
Location: 411 W. 116th Street. Nearby dorms: East Campus Stores and restaurants: It’s a bit desolate over on 116th and Amsterdam. HamDel, food cart, Camille’s (if you’re brave) Cost: $6,718. (Same as McBain, Schapiro and Broadway) Amenities: Noteworthy: You get a sink in your room. A sink! In your room! Bathrooms: Amazing! Normal floor bathrooms, recently renovated. AC/Heating: […]
Two bikes were stolen from the Wien Courtyard last Sunday between 4:11 and 4:15pm. Yesterday Public Safety sent out this alert with images of the thief. Public Safety reminds everyone to keep their bikes locked and call 212-854-4790 if they have any information about the crime. Precious goods via wikimedia
One unfortunate Wienie was devastated upon returning to the communal fridge—rather than the comforting icy delights of Ben & Jerry’s, this Wiener found nothing at all. Not sure we want to think about where that ice cream could possibly have been…
Bwog’s senior science correspondent Ricky Raudales explains all the crazy studies and experiments that Columbian scientists do. Last night, he got to check out all the crazy art that Columbia scientists make when he previewed Through the Looking Glass, an artistic celebration of science. Through the Looking Glass will run tonight from 5–7pm in Wien […]
Location: 411 W. 116th Street. Nearby dorms: East Campus Stores and restaurants: HamDel, food cart Cost: $6,718. (Same as McBain, Schapiro and Broadway) Amenities: Noteworthy: You get a sink in your room. Bathrooms: Amazing! Normal floor bathrooms. AC/Heating: No A/C. Pleeeenty of heat. Heaters also make a lot of noise. Kitchen/Lounge: Lounges on 5, 7, […]
A Bwogger passing by Wien this morning noticed this peculiar new addition to its architecture: the door on the right now has a large crack in its window and is covered in caution tape. One Wiener we spoke to said it wasn’t bad it enough for cold air to seep in, but it is still […]
Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025