Bwog’s finest snaccs, Mia and Donna, take on the ultimate snack (more like a whole meal)–the three-dishes-one-rice combo offered by three Chinese food carts on Broadway.
The weather’s just brisk enough to remind this first-year Bwogger of fall bonfires and roasting s’mores. She realizes, unfortunately, that it might not be realistic to have an evening bonfire get-together on Butler Lawn, and has instead crafted a recipe for S’mores Dessert Dip using ingredients gathered strictly from John Jay and Ferris! Share with friends in the […]
It’s finally fall! You can almost feel the leaves on college walk about to change colors. You haven’t had the chance to head to an apple orchard upstate (midterms, what else?), but you dream of the perfect fall day: watching Halloweentown, drinking a mug of hot tea, and sliding your spoon into a warm bowl of fresh […]
It’s 11:58pm on a Saturday. All you want is something delicious and bad for you, but JJ’s is so far away… Wait! You remember you have John Jay and Ferris take-out boxes full of random ingredients in your mini-fridge. Some cereal, some cream cheese packets… you’re good to go! Follow our recipe below for the perfect fall treat–made entirely […]
Welcome back to reality, Bwoggers. Well, I’m sure some of you went to warm and sunny places like Cancun or the Bahamas over break, but sadly, spring has not yet graced New York City. So, to keep yourself nice and toasty this week, consider making some gooey, cheesy, just damn delicious Eggplant Parmesan. INGREDIENTS ~3 […]
The newest edition to Sesame Street is Julia, a muppet with autism! Sesame Street says their goal is to increase awareness and decrease stigmatism surrounding the condition. (People) Hillary Clinton testified for 11 hours yesterday regarding the Benghazi attacks of 2012. Despite being questioned repeatedly about her responsibility in the attacks, she allegedly kept her […]
As Passover nears its end, those of you who observe Passover have likely exhausted all Matzo cracker combinations and get mad whenever your friends suggest going out for a meal. However, this edition of 2 Girls 1 Snack is Passover-friendly as long as you substitute chips with Matzo crackers. Even if you’re not Jewish, there […]
Fall registration is upon us, so we’ve compiled a set of classes that are probably awesome but are definitely oddly-titled. We’re almost certain they have an ambiguous practical application. That said, it’s a privilege to attend a university that can offer such amenities as wild classes for its undergrads, and if we can’t take them, […]
Class registration for Fall semester is under way, starting today for you rising seniors. Instructions sponsored by Kendrick Lamar: Check SSOL for your appointment times. Drank. Go to CULPA to get more info. Drank. Use the University Bulletin to get useless info. Drank. Set your schedule using ADI’s helpful tool. Pass out. Drank. Pass out. Drank. A […]
In today’s analysis of Butler pastries, we have the carrot loaf cake. Is it just Bwog, or is “mmm….carrot-y” the most passive-aggressive description of a pastry ever? At least there are no doubts that this loaf cake is rooted in vegetables.
Every week, Bwog’s Elizabeth Self and Lorna Hale venture around the city comparing treats. This week our bold snackers took on a New York giant: the bagel. Read on for unexpected onions, bland blobs of bread, disastrous disagreements, actual artistry, and some stuff about bagels. As we all learned from the movies, New Yorkers are […]
Kosher cuisine specialist Carly Silver reports from 115th Street. Amid Moroccan tents and colorful cushions lies a Middle Eastern eating experience on our very own campus. Bella Alayof brings international flavors to Café Nana, her kosher restaurant in Columbia/Barnard Hillel. Born in Uzbekistan, Alayof emigrated to Israel when she was 17 like many Jews making […]
Change comes to Morningside Heights in the form of South Asian fast food. A new dosa cart is located between 115th and 116th on Broadway, operating seven days a week from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. For the unenlightened among us, a dosa is essentially a rice and lentil South Indian crepe stuffed with a […]
Bwog loves celebrating multi-culturalism almost as much as eating free food. But really, what Bwog loves best is Thai food, especially pad thai with those little pieces of tofu and crunchy peanuts. Bwog is not sure why the people at the Columbia Thai Student Association are being so generous this afternoon but it might be […]
Clear sunny days like today make it easy to appreciate fall, a cruel and unpredictable season. Unfortunately days this lovely are few and far between and many of us end up, somewhat unfairly, associating the season with the end of summer blues, midterms, and other decidedly unpleasant things. But Bwog is here to make sure […]
Housing Reviews 2025: East Campus
March 27, 2025Conspiracy Bwog: The Statues In St. John’s
March 25, 2025Freshpeople Housing Reviews 2020: Sulzberger Hall
March 25, 2025What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025