For those freshpeople too busy with their hedonistic pursuits to finish AlcoholEdu, today is the deadline! A friendly reminder to the Class of 2014 from your friends at Bwog: be sure to complete part 2 of AlcoholEdu or something may or may not happen to you.
Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC Meeting. The last ESC meeting opened with a question and answer session with advising Deans Rinere and Plaa. The deans began by explaining how the SEAS department liaisons operate: incoming SEAS freshmen are assigned an advisor based on their expected major. If a student’s major changes, then their […]
Last week, engineers took one small step toward the rest of their lives at the Engineering Consortium Career Fair. This week, the SEAS class of 2013 takes another bold step into the future and declares majors. Bwog spoke with one SEAS student who said that his emotional state as the time to declare his major […]
With Harry and the Potters on campus last weekend, and Halloween just around the corner, all manner of witchcraft and wizardry has cropped up around campus. This time it takes the form of multimedia pun.
Today in Emails You Probably Didn’t Read: Columbia’s Board of Trustees Chair William V. Campbell (like, of course that’s his name) has announced that PrezBo will continue as President for “at least the next five years.” PrezBo has been PrezBo since 2002. Campbell and PrezBo said nice things. Campbell on Bo: Across this large and diverse […]
Have you ever wondered what a dinosaur would taste like? Now you know. (Slate) Get your tinfoil helmets! The government doesn’t want pesky technical problems getting in the way of its wiretapping. (NYT) Elton John declares today’s pop music uninspiring and dislikes TV talent shows, calling them “arse-paralysingly brain crippling.” (New York) Community activists in […]
Lost Monday night (10/11) in Hamilton 602 (I had a 6:10-7:25 class and left it there and when I went back it was gone). It was filled with water and had a white dandelion outline on one side and some leaves outlined in white on the other side.
Time is precious, money is scarce, and between pondering the The Other and following Kanye on Twitter, running mundane errands can end up feeling like the most stressful thing in the universe. Bwog wants to help ease your anxiety and make deciding things a tiny bit easier. Question: Is using Mail Services cheaper than the […]
In honor of today’s sustainability gathering on College Walk, Bwog is inaugurating its newest feature, Eco Conch. With the sounding of the Conch, we summon Columbia’s greeners to respond to grievous Ecotragedies. If you witness anything environmentally unfriendly tell us: Today, the Earth Institute’s Environmental and Sustainable Development Program wanted to get the word […]
Aw shucks, there’s new scaffolding between Broadway and Riverside. But Bwog’s feeling good today. Sure, scaffolding is unattractive, but if it were painted orange and had cascading sheets, we could have a world famous art installation right here in Morningside. So as you descend 115th St., just imagine you’re walking under glorious silver arches.
BSchool first-years got an email over the weekend instructing them to brush their teeth. Apparently, BSchoolers have “not followed personal hygiene basics” during recruiting events. The email follows. It’s very silly and infantilizing… just like grad school! Dear 1st Year Members, It has come to our attention (through complaints from IBC board representing firms they […]
Eliza Shapiro took a break from being Bwog Editor to listen to the Columbia College Student Council talk about what “a la carte” means for, like, a while. At the beginning of last night’s CCSC meeting, CCSC-people went around told each other who their favorite person at the moment was. CCSC Prez Learned Foote’s current […]
Generation Organic, a touring group of organic farmers, has parked their “veggie oil-sipping” bus on College Walk. EcoReps, NOM^3, and Greenborough join them to promote sustainable development. Swing by for $2.50 grilled cheese sandwiches, plant seeds, and organic teas. Plus, you can pose with a wooden cow.
One of the greatest perks of an Ivy League education is having all sorts of guest lecturers and talks hosted right on campus. Yet many of these great talks are not publicized enough. Enter Bucket List, a weekly feature that aggregates these events in a single location that will hopefully make you realize, like Bwog […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024