Everything we did this semester, summarized.


We began this year by welcoming the class of 2024 with FreshLetter—our NSOP-themed newsletter—right in their inboxes. We then shared the best ways to set up your desk for Zoom classes and what your Zoom arrival time says about you. Senior Staff Writer Jeffrey Ndubisi also founded ClubHop, Bwog’s first podcast, which replaces the article series of the same name in an interactive interview format. You can listen to ClubHop on Spotify here.

Senior Staff Writer Charlotte Slovin also reported on CULPA’s pending upgrade, which was set to launch earlier this semester, and Deputy Editor Mary Clare Greenlees gave us the inside scoop on the remote opportunities of Milstein’s teaching and learning centers. We also virtually celebrated the life and work of jazz icon Charlie Parker with WKCR and learned that jazz can be for everyone. We then mourned the classes that got away, tried to recreate the library experience from our places in the world, and cried at home.

Bwog ended September with Staff Writer Leora Schloss’ coverage of the inflatable rats outside of campus—I mean, Columbia’s decision to use non-union labor to build a new Manhattanville Dorm, even with protest from the Carpenters Union. We also reported on the Columbia Election Commission’s announcement that the majority of CC students voted in favor of university divestment from companies that profit from Israeli policy towards Palestinian people.


In October, we got to know all of our new Bwoggers! Daily Editor Bannon Beall also created each undergraduate school’s dating profile (using our Super Likes wisely, of course). We also created a method to test if your Socratic seminar is actually a top-secret cult and made a list of things we don’t miss about campus.

There was also some good old-fashioned Bwog chaos in October, as we saw Matthew Morrison and Lin-Manuel Miranda on campus! Okay, so that actually didn’t happen, but we did theorize what our childhood favs would be like as Columbia students. SGA Bureau Chief Eliza Staples also taught us how to look cute on Zoom.

Visual Editor Jordan Merrill also taught us how to live in New York, without even living in New York, while Senior Staff Writer Ruby Mustill reviewed a Columbia Market Club event on the underwear brand Parade, which seeks to create underwear that is neither hypersexual or nor girl boss-y. Bwog also celebrated Halloween in a socially-distanced fashion. Staff Writer Eleanor Babwin even created costumes for you to dress up as the campus statues

October also brought acts of discrimination, as the university found an antisemitic symbol on Low steps. Bwog stands in solidarity with our Jewish Columbia affiliates.


We kicked off November with former Internal Editor Vivian Zhou showing us all of the birthday freebies you can obtain around campus. We also tried to stay in-the-know, with our takes on “good night to…” and coochie man. Senior Staff Writer Miyoki Walker also ranked which alums would win in a throwdown.

Bwog then realized it’s cuffing season, and we’re still single. Staff Writer Jeff Davis then argued why you should write a Columbia Confessions crush post about them. Staff Writer Camille Sensiba reignited our middle-school brains and wrote a fanfiction about Roaree and Millie. (Note: Bwog is still single, maybe because we didn’t take the marriage pact.)

Barnard likes to say their students major in unafraid, but our Bwoggers have some other ideas. We also reviewed an event by the Presidential Scholars in Society and Neuroscience on the power of music. Bwog also welcomed a brand new team of illustrators this year, including Shane Maughn who launched Bwetchpad, a new series of Bwog comics.

One super-dedicated Bwogger used their November to live off just Cooking With Bwog recipes. Another got ready for Thanksgiving with big turkey love. We also made goguma lattes, mapped out the farmers’ market, and interviewed Students for Sanctuary, which helps NYC’s undocumented community. We also reported that Ivy League sports competitions have been canceled through February 2021. 

With the spirit of giving, Staff Writer Yuki Adams shared where we can donate this year to support the Harlem and city communities. Senior Staff Writer Henry Golub also reminded us to stay hydrated during the long weekend. We signed off for Thanksgiving break with what we’re thankful for.

Bwog also made a TikTok! You can follow us @cubwog.


Bwog began December by reporting on NYPD’s October arrest of a man on Low steps. There are still many unknown details about the incident, and we appreciate our sources for their transparency and diligence. We also reported on Dean Mary Boyce’s appointment to be the new University Provost. Charlotte also followed up with CULPA again—they hope to have the new web design up and running in January 2021.

The World Leaders Forum also continued at Columbia this year, albeit in a virtual format. Staff Writer Grace Fitzgerald-Diaz attended events with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Grace also covered an event with the one and only Dr. Anthony Fauci.

We also had some fun in December, trying to convince Frankie Jonas to #rushBwog once he gets here. Staff Writer Sydney Gerlach also told us the story of a fateful Ivy League Christmas, and Staff Writer Rania Borgani made some anise cookies. Deputy Events Editor Julia Tolda acted as Bwog’s Spotify Wrapped by sharing the albums that defined our semester

Staff Writer Shira Michaeli also caught up with the Food Pantry at Columbia, which wants to remind students that they will be open over the holiday break. We at Bwog also broke the news that Columbia will offer a few students the COVID-19 vaccine in the new year. Finally, Deputy News Editor Donna Qi reported on Columbia-Barnard YDSA’s tuition strike and its intricacies.

This semester has somehow been both endless and brief, but the Bwog Staff got through it the way we do most things around here—together.

Lauren Kahme will lead Bwog’s 2021 Editorial Board as Editor in Chief, with Caroline Mullooly as Managing Editor and Aditi Misra as Internal Editor. Publishers Zack Abrams and Charles Bacha will continue their roles in the spring. The Board would like to thank everyone on staff for their dedication this semester, amid a global pandemic, online school, and an eventful election season. We also want to thank all of our readers—your clicks and comments motivate us to produce better news and better content. Bwog wishes everyone a safe holiday break, and we’ll see you in the new year!

College Walk via Bwog Archives