As usual, CCSC spent its Sunday night hotly debating such important issues as space on campus and complaints that Deantini might actual listen to. And, also as usual, Bwog reporter Joe Milholland was on hand to provide us with a fascinating description of the meeting. The Space Initiative “I feel like Columbia is the only […]
Drop your hat at Columbia and you’re on national news, but wear a chicken costume and you’re just part of the crowd. Like New York City itself, what happens at Columbia is magnified a hundredfold compared to other universities and the strange becomes the normal. For a decade, Bwog has been at the center of […]
GSSC got interactive at their last assembly, and Bureau Chief/Wednesday Wastrel Joe Milholland was on hand to witness the outpouring of ideas. Directories only slightly less creepy than, visiting Buddhist monks, and “GS Singles Mingle” (perhaps the most highly anticipated social event of the semester, as of now) await! A searchable directory of student […]
Apparently, it’s not too late to make New Year’s Resolutions – or, at least, it’s not too late to announce them at a CCSC board meeting. CCSC is determined as ever to do hard work and accomplish important tasks, even in the face of last weekend’s blizzard, and Bwogger Joe Milholland is determined as ever […]
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these student government officials from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. That means GSSC was meeting as soon as school restarted, planning out this next semester. Student government bureau chief Joe Milholland reports on what, exactly, these plans consist of. The first day of […]
CCSC got down to business at last night’s meeting, formulating what specific requests they would send to Deantini after the results of the recent survey were examined. Joe Milholland, from behind a cup of Starbucks coffee, reports on what CCSC eventually decided were the most pertinent issues. They’ll be easy to guess if you’ve read our […]
In the final part of Senior Staffer Joe Milholland’s interview with Luca Springer, they discuss the application process to Rhodes, the value of a Columbia education, and how Columbia differs from Sciences Po. Bwog: In GS and Sciences Po, you’ve studied a lot of things, like philosophy, business, law. Do you see those things as connected, […]
“Overall, satisfaction is just above neutral,” said Columbia College University Senator Ramis Wadood about the results from 2015’s Quality of Life Survey at the University Senate’s plenary on Thursday. This statement came from a graph similar to the one shown to the senate in October, where 4 is neutral satisfaction, 7 is very satisfied, and […]
GS has its ups and downs. But nobody can deny that their parties and celebrations are anything less than awesome. Student government expert Joe Milholland tells where the GS gala will be and what it will be like. On Tuesday night, the General Studies Student Council (GSSC) voted in their general body meeting to hold […]
You may have heard that Columbia failed to win any Rhodes Scholarships this year – and then, suddenly, we had won one. Why this confusion? No US scholarships were won by Columbia students this year, but Luca Springer, a dual degree GS-Sciences Po student with dual Austrian-German citizenship, won one of the two German Rhodes […]
Things got ~dramatic~ at last night’s CCSC meeting, complete with suspenseful Jeopardy music. But, first things first, Monday marauder Joe Milholland brings you up to date on the latest resolutions for Bacchanal, which may or may not pass. Bacchanal Resolution At Sunday night’s Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) general body meeting, VP of Communications Grayson Warrick […]
Everybody knows preparation is at the heart of success. Taking this aphorism to heart, GSSC divided itself into five categories which wrote down what they wanted to accomplish next semester. Student council specialist Joe Milholland reports on their hopes for the next semester, as well as some other updates. At the General Studies Student Council […]
GSSC is in the holiday season this week. Between GSSC giving things away and providing snacks for finals, student government liaison Joe Milholland could barely keep up with the holiday cheer. On Tuesday night, the General Studies Student Council (GSSC) spent much of their time at their weekly general body meeting discussing two topics related […]
Joe Milholland, marquess of Mondays, takes us to the most recent CCSC meeting, where the discussed topics included building a more helpful and effective student-alumni relationship and of course, without fail, Bacchanal. Read on for survey results, interesting quotes, and typical council drama. “We were invisible. I didn’t even know what it was until I […]
PrezBo’s Defense of Affirmative Action and Discussion of Columbia’s Racial Policy At the beginning of Friday’s University Senate plenary, PrezBo gave a long speech about racism and the university’s role therein. His speech was historical in nature, starting with the Supreme Court decision Brown vs. The Board of Education, which struck down segregated public schooling […]
What The Pigeons Are Saying To Me
March 21, 2025Moving Fashion Forward With A Sustainable Fashion Exchange
March 21, 2025Columbia’s Newest Major: Rizzology
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March 14, 2025