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For Christmas, Bwog asked (once again) some of our favorite people–who make life easier at the very least more exciting–what they want for non-denominational end-of-the-year/world gift giving.  See how you can make them so happy they could puke! Deantini is still hoping for that Ferrari 250 GTO (as last year Santa failed to deliver once again), but, […]
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Our last  Actual Wisdom takes a radical leap from professors to other really cool people at Columbia. Dean Peter Awn discusses the merits of monasteries, socks, and gives you your daily dose of soul (music). 1. Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer. Solon claims you’re not counted happy until you’re in an urn. […]
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…in the form of election to a search committee for the next Exec VP for Arts and Sciences aaaand Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences!  The fifteen-member committee, chaired by Robert “Bob” Jervis was (about) half chosen by the Policy and Planning Committee of the Arts and Sciences.  A majority of members are […]
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The hour is nigh. Gird your loins, get out the bong waterpipe and come hide under our covers: it’s (supposed to be) the end of the world, motherfuckers. Bwogline: In case you’ve been living under a rock for the last five years, according to the Mayan calendar (and a really bad action movie) the world […]
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In our penultimate Actual Wisdom (look out tomorrow night for a super special Dean Wisdom), Nathan Pilkington casually drops his language prowess, explicitly mentions his Southerness, and eschews Columbia lions in favor of another savanna animal. 1. Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer. To remind Columbia freshmen that they have reached the start […]
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It’s the last market week of the semester! Go and celebrate your last final/fortify yourself for your last final with hot cider, donuts with massive amounts of sugar, and other market-y, wintry things. The Columbia market is open year-round on Sundays and Thursdays and as always, accepts credit, debit, and EBT. There is food scrap collection […]
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It’s now only a matter of hours until you can jump for joy and revel in the total freedom of winter break. Draw from us the strength to last one more day, and we’ll see you tonight at the party end of the world. Bwogline: Although the Canadian video of a child being flown away by an […]
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1. Justify your existence in 30 words or fewer. I don’t need to justify my existence–I wasn’t responsible for it. But since I’m here, I hope that by the time I’m gone I’ve written a few things and loved a few people well. 2. Your claim to fame (what makes you special?): Oh man — […]
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Last night, Bwog procrastinated from its various papers by conducting another Bwog Asked on unsuspecting library-goers, this time asking the ambiguously ominous question, “What keeps you up at night?” Here’s a sampling of some of our results, along with an unexpectedly detailed conversation about grease. Boy constructing cheatsheet in 210: Wet dreams. Get it? 209 […]
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Statues Suit Up

In preparation for their final exams, several statues around Columbia and Barnard have been seen preparing themselves with style.  When asked by Bwog, they had sound reasoning for the new accessories. The Barnard Runner, preparing for her Ancient Studies final, said that she wears the tie to remember the changing view of what a noble […]
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Well, Teen Vogue. If you were impressed with your ability to change from pajamas into baggy sweatpants for (most of) the past three weeks, re-evaluate your wardrobe skills. The Columbia and Barnard students–including CCSC President Karishma Habbu–who got profiled by Teen Vogue this finals season managed not only to make themselves presentable, but what some […]
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New President!

What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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You’re the goat (read more)
A Lion’s Guide To The CC Core Curriculum
October 25, 2024
So true. I regret not writing this when I was in school!! (read more)
Someone Find Me A Plug
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Why can't Columbia students use Barnard's new Wellness center? Outrageous. (read more)
To Ban Or Not To Ban: Review Of Barnard’s Prohibited Items
October 24, 2024
Thank you for the kind words! <3 (read more)
We’re Reviving AskBwog
October 22, 2024

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