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Well, not exactly. But you can be some small part of the selection process! Tonight from 6 to 7:30 pm, the members of the Dean’s Search Committee will hold a Town Hall in Roone Arledge Cinema to get input from the student body about what they want to see in their new administrative leader. All […]
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We all know that tickets for SPEARS: The Gospel According To Britney sold out in about 54 seconds. Actually. People were pretty mad/sad/utterly baffled by it. In fact, they’ve been getting pretty…toxic…about it. Well, perhaps in direct response to some of these laments, more tickets for SPEARS are being offered. Starting this Friday at 1 pm, […]
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First, a recap. The 114th Brownstones have seen a lot of action. After saying goodbye to Alpha Epsilon Pi, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Psi Upsilon at the end of Spring 2011 following Operation Ivy League, 536, 542 and 546 W. 114th opened their doors to a variety of transfer, wait list, and summer transfer students for […]
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Bwog’s business reporter Renée Kraiem reports on tonight’s SGA meeting. Tonight’s Rep Council meeting began a few minutes after 8 to accommodate the evening’s Town Hall, and ended a few minutes after 8:30 to accommodate the evening’s town hall, making it the shortest SGA meeting on record. Given the premium put on efficiency this year, […]
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Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s ESC meeting. A intro programming course, ENGI E1006, will be added next fall. The class will replace COMS W1004 as the fundamental intro programming course for 11 of the 16 engineering departments, starting next fall. Unlike W1004, the class will be taught in the python programming language instead of […]
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Since it’s impossible to force yourself indoors today, here’s an idea for lunch outside! A hungry tipster spotted some Mexican food outside the 115th st. Starbucks. We assume it’s Mexican, at least. It could be Ukranian or something. But it looks delicious. Let us know how it is!
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Just in time for the unbelievably warm week, the mysteriously recurring flea market resurfaces on Low steps. Rather than getting annoyed at having to weave through jewelry and dress stands, try appreciating the small, blissful moments of procrastination while strolling to class. We spotted some classic knock-off handbags and necklaces that no doubt have the […]
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There’s now a name for the behavior of awkward, anti-social New Yorkers—or at least for one facet of behavior. Have you played sidewalk chicken today? (Gothamist) There are now delightfully invasive photos and a livecam of the baby hawks of Washington Square Park. Now it’s just time to name them! Perhaps not as majestic as […]
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Spotted from a side window in Furnald; not even the construction on the facade would wake him.
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Lost: Grey Hamper

I left my grey, cylindrical hamper in the Hartley laundry room and when I returned it was gone.  I left it on the washing machine farthest from when you first walk in.  If you have it, please return it, no questions asked.  Email
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As we watch prospies consider Columbia during Days on Campus and we begin to reevaluate why we chose college instead of that hippie collective farm in New Zealand, EcoReps has come to save the day, and also more importantly, us from ourselves. After a lot of hard work, and your input, they’ve assembled a new […]
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In honor of the annual Days on Campus College Days celebration, the CCSC Campus Life Committee is showcasing various photographs of the Columbia of yesteryear, a screening of Spiderman, and providing tons of free snacks in front of the steps of Low right now. This day really couldn’t have gotten any better. Stop whatever you’re […]
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What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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What a farce. Looking forward to CUAD and Khymani James fading into ignominious obscurity. (read more)
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Why tf is Shai Davidai allowed to run around terrorizing students? This guy is an embarrassment to the institution. Not (read more)
Protesters Hold October 7 Walkout On Low Steps And Art Installation On Butler Lawns
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I stopped adoring squirrels when I found them eating baby robins (read more)
Hate Letter To The Barnard Hall Squirrel Who Terrorizes Everyone
October 11, 2024

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