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Just moments ago, a tipster divulged that Public Safety has taken covert and highly controversial new surveillance measures. Implanted on the heavily-trafficked inner doors to what our tipster reveals is called “Brogan” (Broadway/Hogan), this new security system monitors all potentially dangerously displays of bro-ing out.  These include, but are not limited to, smuggling 30-racks of […]
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The holiday season has hit your wallet hard, and now the bills are coming in. Think you can cut down on your spending? Not with everything Morningside Heights has to offer…    
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However, immunity from gratuitous administrator emails is not one of them. Want a sneak peak at your future inbox? Want to see if you’ll be among the select few special enough to be used by Deantini to brag about the College? Oh, and Dean, it’s “Roar, Lion, Roar!”
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Last night the POTUS took some time out of his day of slaying pirates to give the SOTU. Quick on the rebuttal were Republican candidates Rick Santorum and Gov. Buddy Roemer, who jumped on the live-tweeting bandwagon. (Reuters, Twitter) Getting into his own debates was Columbia’s own adjunct professor Ian Bremmer, who challenged Harvard’s Associate […]
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Hopefully, all of us politically minded, globally conscious students are aware of the 2012 State of the Union Address tonight. Rather than live-streaming it alone in your room, why not watch with some of the most politically conscious members on campus? The CU Dems, CU College Republicans, CPU, and the Roosevelt Institute invite you to a […]
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Sean Zimmermann reports from the first ESC meeting of the semester. The council began the evening by holding elections for VP Communications. The election was well-contested, especially considering it was held mid-year. The winner, Jim Huang, spoke about his experience on ABC and how his experience developing websites could help in council outreach. He beat […]
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Bwog has yet to obtain a definitive interpretation of the regularly occurring exhibit above the Ferris trash compartments. Observers cite an almost daily recurrence of the piece, with gradual increase throughout the day, reaching a peak around lunchtime. Many see it as a representation of freshman struggles: the never-ending mountain of stress and woe that […]
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Bwog’s correspondent Renée Kraiem reports on the first SGA meeting of the semester. The Rep Council reunited last night at 8:10 to discover that a significant proportion of the group had either grown or cut their bangs. Then, the group got down to business. Turns out that SGA is redecorating—and I’m not talking about the bangs. […]
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Remember when puppies came to Columbia? So does Bwog. Some of Columbia’s more unorthodox study break tactics—including the biannual Primal Scream and therapy dogs bringing furry comfort—were chronicled in a spot on various schools’ stress relief methods. (NYT) In more somber news, be careful with the late-night antics when there’s a 13-minute wait at the […]
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As we mentioned before, last night was CCSC’s kick-off 2012 event, “What’s Wrong, Columbia?” This morning, Kem Walker gave a more lyrical take of it. Now, Sarah Ngu and Maren Killackey bring some hard numbers to the table (which is good, because scientific truth is the only truth with any value). Sunday night’s townhall was the […]
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Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Dear friends, The semester’s just begun, and if any of you are like us, you’re looking for a venue to make absurd jokes, delve into discourse on funny and interesting campus details, or just eat all of our food and make fun of our silly pants (see photo). If that sounds appealing, come join The Blue […]
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I lost my umbrella today in Schermerhorn 612. I had class until 12:15, went back tonight around 6 pm, and it was gone. It is Paris themed, so it has the eiffel tower, arc du trimpuh etc. Email!
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What Should Interim President Armstrong’s Nickname Be?

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