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As part of a Microsoft “meet the company” event, Columbia’s IEEE branch will offer free food, free t-shirts, and the chance to win an Xbox starting at 7:30 pm in Davis Auditorium. Be sure to mumble something about microprocessors while you’re pretending to be an engineer and nabbing all the goodies. Ghost of computers past […]
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Two ambitious lads sharing visions of the future: “I mean, if I had five jackets? Wow. like, most people our age, don’t even have tailored suits” The lofty dreamer’s quip is timely—the fall career fair is tomorrow from 11am to 4pm. Suit up.
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While getting drunk on WuWus last weekend, Bwog had a moment of genius. We realized that the Deantini, though a fabulous nickname, had the potential to be something more. And by something more, we meant more alcoholic. We turned to Drinking with Bwog all-stars Elliott Grieco, Matt Kalish, and Nick Miyares for help. Our only instruction? […]
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Although CIRCA’s seats were empty, dinner was served last night in The Warwick Hotel to Ahmadinejad, about 100 university students, some professors, and UN leaders. Sources say that the evening had a light-hearted mood (despite a few walkouts), and that the President of Iran enjoyed himself. Some major points of the dinner and today’s address […]
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Science is back! Bwog’s resident test tube aficionado Zach Kagan reports. After an exhaustive series of tests at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, Scientists have ruled out all possible masses for the elusive Higgs Boson between 145 and 466 GeV with 95% certainty. Professor Peter Woit vented his frustration, saying “a malicious deity has carefully chosen the Higgs […]
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InterVarsity Christian Fellowship will be giving away free Häagen-Dazs and Ben & Jerry’s cream in front of Butler from 3 – 4:30pm. Stop by and get the scoop!
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RoomHop into Wesley Yip’s Solo cup festooned crib with Bwog’s Ricky Raudales. If your think your room is Hoppable, please email with pictorial evidence. Nothing brings to mind so many vividly sensate memories like the red Solo cup. Though humble by design, the Solo cup evokes a blend of sights, sounds, and odors familiar to just about […]
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A tipster spotted this salubrious salad at Morton Williams. Perhaps they’re trying to dethrone the reigning champs of bizarrely named groceries.
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T-Mobile Blackberry Bold 9780. Most likely lost in 417 IAB, during Introduction American Politics on September 22. If found, please email
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And the winners are in! The new ’15 representatives on the Engineering Student Council are— President: Joshua Boggs Vice President: Shensi Ding Representatives: Manali Yavatkar and Eddie Zahrebelski
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Last night, Troy Davis was put to death by lethal injection for the 1989 murder of a police officer in Georgia. His execution was delayed for hours while the Supreme Court reviewed but ultimately refused an eleventh-hour appeal for clemency. Davis maintained his innocence until his death. The Columbia Dems teamed up with BSO to […]
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Justice in Guinea is currently protesting outside the gates on 116th and Broadway. Their presence echoes last year’s demonstration against Meles Zenawi, President of Ethiopa, who was visiting Columbia during last year’s World Leaders Forum. The Guinean activists bear signs with anti-military messages, and are not specifically targeting Alpha Condé, President of the Republic of Guinea, […]
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Why tf is Shai Davidai allowed to run around terrorizing students? This guy is an embarrassment to the institution. Not (read more)
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October 11, 2024
I stopped adoring squirrels when I found them eating baby robins (read more)
Hate Letter To The Barnard Hall Squirrel Who Terrorizes Everyone
October 11, 2024
This is a house centipede, and while it looks scary, house centipedes are generally harmless to humans. They can even (read more)
Three Girls Vs One Centipede
October 10, 2024

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