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According to friends who nominated him, this next senior is a “game changer.” Also, last week he churned out a 45-page paper in a single night only typing with one hand because of an injury. How’s that 15 pager lookin’ now? Name, School: Kamal Yechoor, SEAS Claim to fame: I’m that guy you see in […]
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If you’re one of those Columbians still sitting around in your ninja costume and roller blades, whining about how you can’t get a summer internship (or girlfriend, see: possession of ninja costume and rollerblades), whine no longer! Just head over to northeast campus and find the grad student who’s waiting patiently, tapping his ninja star […]
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Primal Scream Redux

Gallant procrastinators, clashing in epic, fluffy battle, stormed across the Butler median last night. The annual Sundial v. Butler bash had a more dubious commencement than usual because of the unclear Facebook event start time. A handful of freshmen began fighting around 11:30, but then quickly left––their school spirit forever tarnished… Thus, one can conclude, […]
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Name, School: Aviva Buechler, BC Claim to fame: Bride at Hangama, President of Hillel, Butler Prankster Group, the “Aviva” dance, Community Impact Leadership Program Co-Coordinator. Where are you going? I’ll be here in NYC, and Teaching for America. Three things you learned at Columbia: 1. There are twenty-four hours in a day and seven days […]
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Columbia librarians are using the Internet Archive to save full websites from human rights organizations so that they can continue to be accessed by scholars even after they’re shut down. (Internet Archive, Inside Higher Ed) Although the late Manning Marable “never read e-mail on a computer, but had an assistant print it out,” his students […]
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Black cashmere Burberry peacoat with fuchsia scarf. Lost at Havana Central on Senior Night. Reward if returned! Please contact or call 917-589-8947 if found.
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Lost: iPod Touch

iPod Touch with no cover and pink lily background. Lost in Hamilton or Hartley. Please email if you’ve seen it. There will be reward if found.
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In perhaps the most confusing 30 minutes of campus tradition in history, both the pillow fight and Primal Scream overlapped. Though purists waited until 11:59 pm to start, zealous first years joined the fray as early as 11:30 pm. Even a few of the dedicated bodies in the reference room rose from their seats to […]
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At midnight 11:30pm MIDNIGHT (there’s still time—get your asses out there!), rouse yourself from whatever it is that you don’t want to be doing, and vent your emotion, exhaustion, and aggravation on others by smacking them with pillows and screaming your lungs off. Remember the last pillow fight? That was epic. Facebook says 864 people […]
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Keep on keepin’ on with the help of some senior wisdom Name, school: Yonatan Gebeyehu, Columbia College Claim to fame: Numerous Columbia theatrical productions, including 115th and 116th annual Varsity Show, playing PrezBo with a white wig and soffe shorts. Where are you going? Staying in New York, I got a job working at a […]
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In  Hidden Talents, Bwog exposes your classmates as the strange and glorious wunderkinder they truly are. Below, Bwog’s Embers Enthusiast, Atira Main, interviews the vivacious vixen Reina deBeers, a fire breather. If you know a stunt double, hostage negotiator, or curling champion who’d like to be profiled, email us at You may have seen […]
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Love is in the air! Just look around you—sometimes you have to squint a little, but there’s magic in the minutiae. On  116th and Broadway: Girl: So do you love me or not? Guy: Right now I just have to take a massive dump. Coming out of a girls’ bathroom: Guy: I don’t understand what […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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