Teach for America! Do it with Columbia/Barnard Hillel! At the very least, come to their information session/panel discussion featuring Aviva Buechler (Barnard ’11) and Boaz Cohen (Columbia ‘10). The event is on the 5th Floor of Kraft Center (at 606 West 115th St) at 6:30 pm tonight. Be sure to RSVP on Facebook first. Inaccurate […]
In Roomhopping, Bwog indulges its everlasting dream to host an HGTV show. Aesthetics Aficionado Whitney Wei reports. If you think your swanky pad is worthy of being hopped, email us at tips@bwog.com with photographic proof. “We wanted to make it homey and not a jail cell,” reflected Jordan Sholem, BC ’15, as her roommate, Chloe […]
This weekend, we published a preliminary petition declaring the support of Columbia and Barnard faculty for the Occupy Wall Street movement. The petition has been officially released today on behalf of the Faculty Action Committee with 328 over 350 signatures (and no repetitions this time), by Professor Paige West. You can read the full press […]
CCSC and ESC have a hefty week planned to keep Columbia’s spirit high as we take on UPenn. Monday: Homecoming Week Kick-off College Walk 5:00 – 6:30 pm Free pizza and t-shirts with the CU Marching Band, Cheerleaders and CU Dance teams. Tuesday: CU BLUES – Wear BLUE All day Free cupcakes on Lerner Ramps […]
Black and blue frames, squarish lenses, in a “For Eyes” case. Possibly lost in the Diana, or SIPA, or anywhere. Please just help me find my glasses. If found, contact: akl2131@barnard.edu
Lost somewhere between EC and Dodge gym. My computer just crashed and that flashdrive had all my remaining documents on it. The fact that it is now gone feels like the universe conspiring against me. The first draft of my thesis is due Thursday. I am beyond desperate right now. Advice: BACK UP YOUR DATA […]
You won’t get a day off but by golly you’ll get free food. In honor of Columbus Day, CU College Republicans will be holding its annual Columbus Day BBQ. Stop by for free barbecued ribs and chicken. Your hour of celebration is from 12 to 1pm in the Van Am Quad. Pictorial Representation of questionable […]
Slovenian Philosopher Slavoj Žižek taught “Radicalism 101“, in Zuccotti Park yesterday. (He’ll be at Columbia this Wednesday). Meanwhile, the protest has spread to 25 cities. (The Observer/CBS News) Barnard Political Science professor Sheri Berman writes a scathing review of a book about conservatism that claims the ideology is about subjugating society’s lowest. (NY Times) Giuliani is […]
You’ve tried all the yogas, you’d bike but you don’t want to get hit by a cab, and you don’t know where the Dodge pool is. We have a solution for the most jaded of the athletically challenged. In Clubbin’, Bwog sends our troops to scope out the most unusual sports Columbia Club Sports has to […]
Bucket List represents the unbelievable intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. Our recommendations for this week are below and the full list is after the jump. If you have any questions (such as, “Where’s William and […]
We’re sick and tired of the man keeping aspiring writers/journalists/funny people down. Wearethe99percent who look at stupid posters and think, “Gee, I bet that a lot of other people would find my shoddy cellphone pic funny.” Well we aren’t going to take it any more. Join us as we take over Lerner SGO starting at 7pm. […]
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Hate Letter: “Midterms”
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025I Bid Farewell To My Beloved Sweet Corn Turtle Chips
March 1, 2025