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A small film crew is asking students their opinions on “global education” as part of a documentary to be shown at an upcoming conference on Columbia’s commitment to being a global university. So get to the Lerner ramps before 2 if you have a hunger for fame…and muffins!
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In response to the early draft of the Senate’s resolution to “engage the armed forces” and bring back ROTC to Columbia, the student Coalition Opposed to ROTC has written a clause-by-clause response. An excerpt: 12. Be it further resolved that any further relationships with the Army will be subject to periodic review There is no […]
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Mornin’ Morningside! Yes, the weather still sucks, and no, it isn’t a snow day. Good news though! The Greenmarket will still be open and waiting eagerly to fulfill your ostrich egg needs. So put on that jacket you thought you wouldn’t be needing for another eight months, and eat through your seasonally-affected feelings. This week […]
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Hey CC and SEAS students—or C-SEAS students for short!—guess what’s finally here? No, not nice weather. And no, not Bacchanal (yet). Unfortunately, it’s not Christmas either. But it IS still an important and exciting day, because it’s your last chance to drop a SEAS class or register to Pass/D/Fail a CC class. Same goes for […]
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High: the number of City Council voters in favor of renaming the Queensboro Bridge after former New York mayor Ed Koch. Yesterday’s 38 to 12 vote determined that the bridge’s name will change next month to the “Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge.” Low: the level of light as allied forces began the most intense night of […]
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Where Art Thou?

Bwog’s Wednesday feature, Where Art Thou?, is here to keep you posted on what’s going on in the A&E department in Morningside Heights and beyond (basically all the cool events your friends are in/on/at). If you would like your Lit Hum in a Week event posted on Bwog, now you can! E-mail us at Wednesday […]
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Tonight at 10:30 pm in the Satow Room, Tamasha is hosting a rad study break in order to promote this Saturday’s I Know What You Did Last Tamasha. The first 40 people to buy tickets will score a free t-shirt, and everybody else will enjoy free Roti Roll, Frooti Pong, and ice cream. Image via […]
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In the latest installment of In Defense Of, Brian Wagner endeavors to defend the indefensible, and redeem the much-maligned. Yesterday the lawns were liberated! Today, a pathetic attempt at snow sprinkles the grass. You don’t know what you got till it’s gone… Each year, when the fall weather starts to rear its ugly head, Facilities rolls […]
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You may be wary of returning to Butler’s hallowed halls after yesterday’s news of bed bugs in on the fourth floor. However it appears the situation has been swiftly dealt with. Bwog received an update today from Francie Mrkich, Director of Access Services for the libraries. Exterminators have “vacuumed and chemically treated” the affected areas, […]
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It is our habit to respect out heritage/amorous affair by posting each issue of The Blue and White. The latest issue, available this week, has a lot of cool stuff in it. In one blast-from-the-past article, staff writer Lily Icangelo forays into our pre-college Facebook haze. It is sometimes hard to think of Columbia students as a […]
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Two guys in John Jay, getting silverware: Guy 1: Are you saying you’re smarter than me? Guy 2: *shrugs* A little bit, yeah. As Mencken wrote, “It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place.” More brutal honesty via […]
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Location: Bottom of 115th street, at 431 Riverside Drive Nearby dorms: Schapiro Stores and restaurants: MoWi, M2M, Vine, Ollie’s, Pinnacle Cost: $8,324 (same as Watt and Hogan) Amenities: Bathrooms: Each double has its very own! AC/Heating: No A/C, yes heat. Sometimes the heat is spotty which you can only really feel if you have windows […]
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this is the greatest sports blog this site has ever seen. bravo (read more)
If Vanderbilt Can Be In The SEC, So Can Columbia
September 26, 2024
Columbias libraries are absolutely incredible, some od=f the best in the nation. (read more)
Butler’s Hidden Beauties
September 26, 2024
The 4th point...people are only in the elevator for a very short time so yeah, making loud noises really is (read more)
An Idiot’s Five-Step Guide To Elevator Etiquette
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Historical note: Back in the previous century, before Wallach was Wallach--when the dorm was named for Robert Livingston, Founding Father (read more)
The Word “Taint” Appears On The Public Safety Website
September 25, 2024

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